why are we hating on the girl ?!? she might not even be in love w mc and is just interested !?? but i also understand, why do stories like these always feel the need to add girls whose only personality is falling for mc …like nooo she seems super sweet and i like her but i hope they wont add her JUST for romance (if there’s going to be romance) bc that would look forced asf but thats my opinion ..also 006 is hot asf

i still dont like the father…why would you admit to abusing yo child wtf

okay this doesn’t make sense, yeah hitting your son is wrong but he owned up to it? what, did you not want him to admit it? did you want to blame it on his frustration of poverty instead before they were noble? like, again, child abuse is horrible but the king knew what he did, he knew what he did was wrong, and he regrets it. most people don’t do that, most people wouldn’t say they were wrong so easily and make up an excuse. he has grown and you can’t really change the past all you can do is learn from it and that is what he has done, he’s being the bigger man and admitting his past mistakes and sins. you don’t have to like the father idc about that part it’s the “why would you admit” part that irks me, wouldn’t it make him shittier if he didn’t?

okay and, idgaf, he owns up to it but now what, all the damage is still there lol weirdo. and by “why would he admit it” ig i’ve worded it wrong. he said it in such a casual way. its good that he knows hes a mfing piece of goddamn shit that deserves to rot in hell but honestly i hate when ppl be like “ugh im so horrible but now im going to try and be better” …like mf

oh yeah king’s a bastard i was just pointing out that most people don’t really admit their mistakes, everyone thinks they’re right even when they’re not. s’your opinion i honestly love character development, when done right. like i said you can’t change your past mistakes, you’re right the damage is still there doesn’t matter now though, it’s not the same guy as before but the King doesn’t really know that, yet even though he says he wants to treat his son right he’s done absolutely nothing about it but whatever maybe that’ll change


Shota mean lil boy, it doesn't have to be *porn* of lil boy. The title just said lil boy and older bro, or implying even tho he is shota he try to act like oni (older bro). Have you actually read it? It's just a kid that felt attached to his neighbor, and his neighbor that cherish the kid's shenanigans. You're the weird one making this about pedophilia when the story highlight how adorable the boy is for being such a caring lil boy. As if no kid ever had a crush to someone older, it's a kiddy crush. Is a story with kids and adult automatically pedo porn now? The fuck. The comments is the only weird thing in this title

shota is a now sexualized word. Just like loli. i searched on google and it literally meant child like character but people turned it into calling a child looking character hot. same with shota. both words are now sexualized? You cant find a "wholesome" shota story on this fucking website. Also someone literally said the author is a shotacon,lolicon..

like i said the word is still sexualized.. the actual definition isnt but the word itself is. and even if you search shota meaning it'll still show gross shit like "porn category" or "a child like adult boy" or something along those lines. so if you were to search both words you would still find gross shit and know not to use it..

I agree , 2nd comment needs to chill. Knowing it's internet there's a 50/50 chance they're trolling but I don't think anyone should pull a crusade TO THE STORY itself, cs tbh all the comment and summary made me think it's an actual shotacon dj before reading it and I guess it tainted the expectations of the reader too. They're seeing everything as predatory

If you meet those people, just respectfully correct them. If they don't listen, then leave them because they aren't going to care. But for the people who use the terms loli and shota innocently, there is no need to attack them. We can't just group up all the people who say loli and shoto and attack them all.
what is wrong w all u nggas ? why r grown ass women engaging into sexual activities w kids ?!? children ?!? and whats w the rating ? this “story” deserves to have a 0.0 rating pedophilia aint hot nor sexy fkn weridos