daily reminder that itadori is a MINOR and that gojou is 28 !! and what happens when a 28 yr old gets w a minor ? correct, pedophilia ! all u niggas is weird supporting this shite

a lil reminder that pedophilia has actually nothing to do with age... A pedophile is someone attracted to a childs body / under developed body of a child.
For example if a person already has hit puberty and has a full grown body but is still underage and someone else is attracted to the them, doesn't mean that the person attracted to that person is a pedophile. The person is attracted to the body of an adult and not the body of a child.
Don't get me wrong I am not defending Pedophilia in anyways I am just trying to clear up some things, since many people think that Pedophilia is only an age thing.
I mean some people still would call a 19 year old guy a pedophile for dating a 17 year old female who has a full grown body of an 18 year old...
And remember fiction is not reality...

ummm u know that EVERY online website can distribute or has cp... by ur logic ANYONE who uses the internet is contributing to cp. please stop blaming people who want to have fun for shit like this. and saying "yuuji isnt real" so what if they arent real? its just a fantasy since its illegal irl? its strange that the only thing stopping u from not defending cp/pedophilia is THE LAW. not actually morals or common sense. please get some form of help, this is not normal.

People have preferences, just because we ship fake people doesn't mean we support it in real life. Just like how you can read a action manga with killing doesn't mean you like killing now does it?
Also Wow my name is weeb ur name is hentaimilf who's the one should shut up at least my username is normal plus coming after username means you have ran out of a point to state so ur going after usernames.

hi ure right, pedophilia isnt just an age thing. but gojo is literally a teacher and yuji is a student. hes using his authority to groom a minor, theres nothing "non pedo" about that. and the 19yrold, 17yrold thing, u forgot another thing, age gap. yuuji is 15 and gojo is 28... thats a 13 year age gap. it literally makes it so much worse

A weeb is a derisive term for a non-Japanese person who is so obsessed with Japanese culture that they wish they were actually Japanese.
Hentai is anime and manga
pornography. A loanword from Japanese, the original term does not describe a genre of media, but rather an abnormal sexual desire or act.
A MILF is any woman with children who has men that want to have sexual intercourse with her. The term is also sometimes used to describe women above a certain aged (30 or 40+) who are not mothers themselves, but are deemed to be sexually attractive, and also have men that would like to partake in sexual intercourse with them.
One is someone who wished they can be japanese the other is someone who watches *fictional* married woman have sex with her. Lol I think ur the one with the terrible username

No no no, let's not play pretend here, other sites don't allow cp and ban anyone who posts it.This site allows it and bans no one it's NOT the same :p btw i don't defend ANYTHING irl that i read in fiction so don't make shit up about me, I don't defend fiction because is not illegal I defend fiction and ONLY fiction because it's not real. So yeah mangago hosting, encouraging, and NOT banning doujinshi and shotacon manga whereas other sites who actively try to ban it isn't the same you ARE complicit in that but you don't want to admit it because you'd have to self reflect

Just like how you have a username with hentai but you don't watch it. I have a username but I don't want to be japanese don't assume shit bro. Choose your words wisely. Ok, So your saying it's not a problem for a man to watch your mom fuck? You guys were the one that said that if you support something fictional you support it in real life.

HAHAHAH u are right!! i was so scared u were going to go a whole other way, phew. at least u know SOME of what ure talking about. but back to the topic. im not excusing mangago, but did u forget that this an ILLEGAL website? ofc they dont give a fuck about pedophilia and want to milk the money out of pedos/mlm fetishizers/etc. but where else should i read my mangas then? im not privileged enough to buy lots and lots of manga. the fact that i have MORALS to at least know that this shit (2d cp) is disgusting is much better than anyone else here who are defending this pedo doujin. "I don't defend fiction because is not illegal I defend fiction and ONLY fiction because it's not real." gosh... u allow pedos to fuel their addiction of cp JUST bc its 'legal'?? INSTEAD of them getting the help they need???? any form of cp IS cp and is just as bad. its the fetishization of children and god knows what those people who read these would do if the law wasnt implemented. and dont forget that this is public media, many MINORS in the anime community could be influenced by this and might get themselves groomed bc they think this is alright. :/

Then what site do you suggest us to use that has free mangas and a lot of mangas to choose from? Im here cause there’s a wide variety of mangas and cause it’s free. And like you said this site is illegal so im not giving them money for the shit they have here. I think it’s very weird for ppl to have an interest in such thing. In what way im i and other ppl who don’t like that shit complicit? I genuinely wanna know.

If u consider this doujinshi to be cp and encourages pedophiles, then using a site that encourages, displays, and hosts cp is support. If u don't think this is literally cp, then I don't care what you do I was just pointing out hypocrisy. Like, would you truly be able to use a website that hosted csem and had it on the front page as a top 10 and encourages it? Hell no! No one would, so still using this site while knowing that means ur either complicit, or you really don't care about the contents of doujinshi. Using a site is supporting it's contents with ad revenue and data collecting, idc what you do but don't be a hypocrite and call people pedos over doujinshi while supporting the site that hosts "cp" that's all I'm saying. If u don't think it's cp and don't think ppl are pedos over hentai then this isn't about u have fun or something

You literally said there is no problem with watching fictional characters fuck but your a pedophile for reading fictional male characters fuck. Like bruh what logic is that. All I said we're evidence supporting what I said at least I do t go about calling people nigga without knowing them.
You tried going after my pfp and you got nothing from that. The whole point of this is because its fictional. You should look back at what you said and find one way in which your comment made sense.

Ur problem is that you ASSUME everything, you assume a hentai doujin makes ppl pedos, you assume everyone who likes this is a pedo and they literally are just assumptions. It could be true for some ppl but correlation is not causation that doesn't mean those two things are connected.you ASSUME everything and assume hypothetical situations but most of all
Go fuck yourself for saying anime doujinshi is as bad as real children being harmed that's the most fucked up thing I've ever heard. I'm a child sexual assault victim and there is NOTHING comparable about the shit I went through and a fucking goyuu doujinshi. It isn't "just as bad" it's not even a fraction of the shit real people go through because WE'RE REAL what we went through WAS REAL it happened, this doujinshi didn't happen and doesn't exist, fuck you for saying a doujinsji is as bad as what real people like me had to go through. Go to hell, I'm done with a piece of shit like you

the problem is that itadori is a goddamn MINOR cant u fucking read ? u keep saying things i aint saying, ur literally twisting my words, imma need you to read this whole fucking thread again, r u slow? im black and i can say nigga ? since when do i have to know someone to call them that ? it’s literally the same as “bro” now im wondering if ur black ..

Again how is that hypocrisy? It’s an illegal site so anything would be on it. It would be kinda stupid to think you wouldn’t find stories like that. It’s not bc i use mangago that i like or support this site. I just tell myself that it’s my only choice if i wanna read multiple mangas. If i were to actually pay for using the site and you told me what you just said then yea that would be understandable but again we are on a illegal site so it would be delusional to think it wouldn’t have stories like that. Im not gonna call ppl pedos over fictional characters but to me it’s weird to see ppl have an interest in pedophilic stuff like that. That’s why im in the comment section lol. And it’s very hard to find any sites that have a lot of mangas and with completed manga as well l . If you want free manga and if you want a wide variety of it then you have no choice but to use illegal sites. There would be some of that content on every illegal site, that’s common sense lol. So im not sure what you expect us to do.

So if a site had exploitation material of *real* children, as long as it didn't create it, that's fine? Horrible logic! hosting cp is a crime it DOESN'T MATTER who created it how do u not know that?? Hosting and distributing cp is a CRIME if u continue using a site that distributes cp you are complicit in a crime moron. Thank goodness goyuu doujinshi isn't literally cp and a crime otherwise we'd all be in jail. Like do u think a judge in a court of law would believe u if you said "no I wasn't reading cp on that site! I was just using a site I *knew* had cp on it but I didn't read any!" Like do u think they'd take u seriously they would throw you in prison too. Think it's weird all u want that's ur right and you're entitled to that

Lmao I could ask you the same thing?? Unlike u tho I don't think hentai is the same as real life crimes and what I read in fiction I don't support irl simple as that. Like I did have a teacher in middle school who was a creep to girls and I reported him, u think I'm stupid or something and don't know what's wrong and right? if in fiction makes u uncomfortable take care of urself and don't read it ur entitled to ur feelings about it but that doesn't mean others don't know what's wrong and right irl
what kinda ending...
I don't undestand why that man eat the mana stone... to rush at the end.