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Mochi's message board ( All 1 )

Mochi June 19, 2020 6:12 am

Can someone help me find this manga it's probably pretty hard to find but I saw other man gas being find so I was like maybe they can help so the seme and use are in a martial arts club and they didn't like each other first then the seme rapes the uke (Ik cliche) and I remember a side story about the captain and the club leader oh and also the uke is good at homely stuff plus when the seme got sick he took Care of him and that helps the love grow I'm sorry I don't know that mu h but plz help ive been trying to find it for months now

Mochi June 19, 2020 6:16 am

Oml after I literally posted it I found the manga it was actually archery omg I'm so lucky mangago is amazing literally