whaianwian's experience ( All 0 )

whaianwian's answer ( All 15 )

10 06,2021
poopy   1 reply
10 06,2021
about question
what are y’all mad abt... like genuinely who cares if they call a baby fat YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS ABT CLAIMING THEYRE FATSHAMING FICTIONAL BABIES. they are drawings and babies. they. do. not. care. laugh or dont but who tf cares? istg you guys will get offended over everything. y’all will defend drawings of chunky babies but i highly doubt you c......   2 reply
07 06,2021
about question
what are y’all mad abt   reply
07 06,2021
07 06,2021
what are y’all mad abt   reply
07 06,2021
about hide yaoi
05 06,2021
some of y’all in the replies weird as hell we hate fujos because they fetishize mlm relationships and get weird “smol uwu gay babies” “uke” “seme” shipping irl people, asking gay men invasive questions, whatever whatever. tf does that have to do with straight romance. y’all oppress us and get mad when we fight back. some of y’all ......   1 reply
05 06,2021

whaianwian's question ( All 3 )

okay so theres this webtoon that recently finished w a side story abt the 2nd lead
AND SOME GUY IS SUPER PRESSED ABT IT talking about how “the author making a story trying to make us feel bad for the LOSER side character is a waste of ink!!” so i just said “you shouldnt bash the author when youre not even paying for the webtoon” AND THEY FLIPPED OUT AND BLOCKED ME GAHAHAHH

saying shit like “Mommy look an Internet Guardian” and “Lookie Lookie” IM SORRY WHATWGAH

like lil freakshow here knows that nobody else is standing on a soapbox about some webtoon??
god pretentious condescending freaks everywhere!! AND CAN THEY TALK LIKE A NORMAL PERSON “MOMMY” HEADASS
self important assholes crying and whining is so funny HELEPE
13 06,2021
absolutely no hate to any scanlators on this website. they’re trying their best....but please stop using machine translation ESPECIALLY korean. google isn’t your friend, it’s korean database is ABSOLUTE HORSESHIT, especially with the amount of slang used in everyday life. it pains me when two characters start talking about horses or some shit in the office- it’s clearly the wrong translation.

yes, this is an illegal site. but people still wanna be able to read coherent storylines? if you don’t know the language you’re translating, why use mtr (machine translator) instead? why upload at all? there’s just way too many terrible uploads and people will STILL pat them on the back and go “thanks!!” “omg wow!!” obviously you shouldn’t be rude to them or send hate or anything... but do you REALLY wanna read that scan?

what’s most annoying is when people use mtr with an illegible font when sniping a project from an established scan team that was doing fine, just because “it hasn’t been updated in a while”- when it’s only been like 2-3 weeks. and people are still encouraging them and hyping them up. why snipe a project when you have nothing to offer?

i really don’t mean to be rude. and i appreciate them for trying to do something nice. even cleaning and typesetting isn’t that big of a deal to me but PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. AS A TRANSLATOR AND SCANLATOR MYSELF. STOP USING GOOGLE TRANSLATE.
07 12,2020
So it turns out that retaliating against the immense amout of homophobia that exists is now a crime. I am no longer allowed to make jokes about axe or skid marks. I cannot tell someone they're a straightie with a small dick if they're being creepy because that is anti-small dick straight man.
I realize just how wrong I am for making fun of that particular breed of straight men and straight fujoshis that fetishize gay men. I now know that I should stop being heterophobic and treat the oppressive group like equals, even if LGBT people are persecuted worldwide.
I will be turning myself into the local police station for my crimes against humanity. I will be sending a formal letter to the Catholic Church, and I will, of course, send my apologies to those who have called me f*ggot because I shouldn't have called them a str*ggot in retaliation, a word that was recently made up as a way to reclaim the slur compared to a word with a loaded history of violence </3
24 09,2020

People are doing

did read manga

Maybe I've been desensitised but I've seen worse tbh although I can't deny it's also really bad but the not the worse out there

37 minutes
did read manga

I was sexually abused when I was 7. I'm twisted and I like to imagine myself as the Shota. I find some comfort in it.

2 hours
did masturbated to yaoi


12 hours