I am so confused can someone explain I’d appreciate it a lot, please and thank you

Someone on reddit made a family tree you can look it to visualize their linage a bit easier, you can google it easy peasy- but I'll try to explain it here anyway:
Luka is the son of Jonas and Larrisa who both have royal blood, but it's more important that he inherited both Winterwald and royal blood from his father..
Jonas is the son of Princess Vanessa & Duke Winterwald, they married due to this trade agreement that keeps being brought up - the head of Winterwald has to marry a royal, their descendants are supposed to carry royal blood.
Vanessa died after giving birth to Jonas, after which the Duke remarried her former maid, Sofia. Sofia and the Duke then had Rudiger, our ML. Then Jonas died, which is an issue. The current King started shipping his daughter Josephine with Rudiger as a quick fix.
Then Luka is found.
It turns out that his mother and Judith are the granddaughters of Greta, the former king's sister who ran away (Judith looks a lot like her). The former king is obssessed with Greta and coddled both Vanessa and now Judith because they have her eye color/appearance. The former King had 3 kids: Current king, Vanessa and Malina. The current king has 4 kids of his own who're fighting for the crown.
Then there's Franz, Rudiger's cousin (Duke Winterwald has a brother). If Rudiger and Luka teleport into afterlife he'll inherit Winterwald, which is the reason why he's all up in their business. Isabella gave birth to his son, but instead of marrying her he uses her desperation to drive his plot along.
Now, it turns out the Duke may have killed his own son, Jonas. Imo it has to do with the fact that he never truly loved Princess Vanessa. Remember, all Winterwalds only ever loved one woman unconditionally. Also Jonas and Luka's mother were cousins of 2nd degree.

like someone said in the comments: (we both think that) seonwoo’s writing is really good. His progress so far is understandable because healing isn’t linear!! It’s okay that he’s going back and forth between his emotions etc. I can’t wait to see his complete growth in self-acceptance and his accountability for things. I want for him and his ml to be happy:D

I really hope the author doesn’t butcher his character development… he needs to fess up and stop trying to ruin other people’s lives.. it’s especially disgusting to see that he himself realizes his ego trips and sly comments hurt people but he still continues to operate that way
I know abandonment is psychologically damaging but coping though hurting other people or destroying their lives (the school paper NPC he ruthlessly sold around) just because you BELIEVE their good will or intentions are skewed..
It’s not gonna look good in their relationship too in the future. I want the best for Taeseo he’s so genuine

I completely agree with you, for now all we can do is hope his character isn’t butchered and that he takes accountability for his actions ^^. If his self-sabotage worsens and Taeseo is affected; then I will gladly accept both going their separate ways, and for Taeseo to find happiness elsewhere.. it’s what he deserves
oh this chapter HURTS knowing what happened in the og timeline and how she got murdered while trying to protect him from Franz. Right where it hurts if you will …