I HAVE A THEORY Both the EX and the ML kinda look alike (might just be me who thinks that) BUT what if at that point of time of the breakup, it was ML who was the one who spoke to the FL like that? Which is why the Ex is trying so hard to talk to her? Cause the Ex be acting way too calm for someone who broke it off like that That or the EX got into an accident where they lost there memory at one point
Both the EX and the ML kinda look alike (might just be me who thinks that) BUT what if at that point of time of the breakup, it was ML who was the one who spoke to the FL like that? Which is why the Ex is trying so hard to talk to her? Cause the Ex be acting way too calm for someone who broke it off like that
That or the EX got into an accident where they lost there memory at one point
Nah the ex's just trash , but they do look alike maybe they're brothers or cousins
Maybe he's just a shitty person