why is everyone here so miserable and why do they feel he need to complain every chapteridk about yall but i’ve been waiting for this backstory since it the series started
I bet if it were the other way around (if the side couple were the main couple), it'll still be the same. I feel like it's a trend now, people just love complaining about the main couple and want the side couple to take over the story. instead of finding story that suits their taste, they just love to complain unnecessarily.
Nah, i dont care in other manwhas. But here the Main couple makes no sense, there is no chemistry other than Sex..
But i'm also no ones who complains, this was my first comment in month's here. Because the whole Story just gets dragged out with no real reason. The writing(and also drawing) gets worse and worse.
for me other than the top keeps deceiving the bottom, the main couple story is just fine. people can have their opinion, but trashing the main couple and keep asking for the side couple is just too annoying. either just skip the main couple and just read the side couple or wait for side story/spin-off for the side couple (if the author decides to do it) or just drop the series if you can't enjoy the story at all. some people keep complaining just for the sake of it that it's getting ridiculous. I enjoy both couple and looking forward to both stories. I mean, there are worse stories out there, so this story is fine enough.
to do what with? Their story and plotpoints relevant to the story are both basically finished.
we already got their back stories, insight into their trauma and how it’s currently affecting them, and now they’re kinda just in a limbo until they take the next step in their relationship. These are all things that can happen satisfyingly in their current roles, unless plot devices are added. You can like the side couple all you want my post was just questioning why people are being so overly hostile and negative just because they like the side couple more cause you can want all those things and still not be a douche about it—right?
why are people complaining about an added hiatus system when technically we shouldnt even have access to it in the first place because we’re reading it for free. For a bunch of people who have spent the entire time complaining about how bad the story and main couple is you all seem to be real upset that you’re can’t read the story you apparently dont even like. the side couple is cute and ian’s design is especially unique but they’re side characters because plot wise theres really not much happening there. (maybe with a break the author can actually add some) idk this is a pattern at this point, overcompensating for the thing thats less popular or more niche with a bunch of negativity to project that y’all are different. I’m sure you all actually like the side couple but the hate is so forced and performative like get an actual personality
I feel like plot-wise, on Ian's part especially, a lot of things are yet to be discovered and fueled for the plot. Like the fact that Ian and Peter once knew each other. Or that Peter "gave" something to Ian to keep it for a few hours. Most likely something valuable that could prove to be a plot point. Also the health center is a very big problem in this world. Something that needs to get rid of once and for all. I would actually be disappointed if they don't try to stop this inhumanity. And again, Ian was in the health center for a few years which could be helpful in the future. As for Van, I'd say he's already quite a big part of the story. We see him probably as much as the main couple. It's not a character that appears rarely. He's here every 3 to 4 chapters. Anyway, I just wanted to show that the side couple might be as important as the main couple, especially when you know that in one way or another, everyone is somehow entangled in this whole mess
yeah, honestly they’ll probably get a whole storyline as secondary love interests typically do once the first couple’s backstory is established. I really like the side couple but I think people are being super impatient or acting like they’ve never read a manhwa before because the side couple is typically developed in the later half of the story and yet every comment is just bashing the author and the fact that they’re not getting enough of ian or van. Definitely not implying that you’re doing that and I totally agree with you in the fact that there’s certainly potential to incorporate them more into the plot and I’m sure that’ll happen now that the author is taking breaks lol.