lwk i regret rereading this so soon. i wish i waited for the series to end so i could just binge it. after reading such reused and low quality series i forgot how high quality this one is and i am now so so back into reading this on the weekly.
Penelope’s journey is so sad but i’m honestly glad that the author went this route. Since i began reading isekai-type series i always wondered how one’s psyche would actually respond, and i think the author portrays a very grim and realistic one through Penelope in this series. I hope in the end she gets to return to her original world, i mean, she just broke free and was just starting to live it up in college. As a college freshman myself, i would hate to have been out in her scenario, Penelope is much stronger than me, I would’ve gone for death right at that get go. So, i really really hope she gets to return to her true world. I think of Kill the Villainess when i read this series, I like how the fmls stay connected to their true identity instead to being completely absorbed into the character they posses. (note: it’s different if their true identity died, what i mentioned is mainly for those who “suddenly” wake up possessing a new character) I think by continuing to remember their true identity, it’s more realistic (not that we’re going for realism here i mean this is as fantasy as it gets) because how do you just forget 18 years (in this case) of living? All the relationships you foster during that time, whether they were long, short, good or bad those relationships are all memories and have shaped you to what you are. idk im rambling now and have lost my og purpose of writing this. anyways love this series sm omg.

this put a frown on my face. like i physically began to frown going through this ch. this is sick. however i am excited for a time skip. im guessing a quick college arc where they miss each other by a hair, then time skip to professional/real adult yrs where they have an actual reunion. i jst know it’s gna get messy as hell from here on out.
there’s something funky abt finn…. i think there’s something missing in her memory