The uke is so adorable, but like.......
How do I put it?
Like, we get it, chubbier people like food, but did they really have to make everything that centered around food/taste? Can't we have a chubby character who isn't obsessed with food and just a normal person? It makes me uncomfortable, like they make it out to be that's all chubby/fat people think about. Food.
I drew a manga like that. The guy was chubby and he worked in a comic book shop.
Frankly, I'm all for translators uploading works that aren't licensed and are never going to be officially translated since, lets be honest, anybody who doesn't understand Japanese wouldn't have ever bought those books in the first place.
But uploading a licensed work that's going to be available in English for online purchase or in bookstores is when it's really just wrong and it's not fair to the artists, editors, and huge companies that put so much effort into those works. If you're not willing to support it when it's made available for you to, then you don't deserve to read it and shame on translators who are aiding people in killing the English release of this series.
For your information, technically, SuBLime only licensed until volume 3 of the series. They don't have the rights for the latest chapters yet.
And at least those scanlators are buying the actual manga. They support the artist by doing that. Buying the English version doesn't really 100% make you support the artist anyway. :P
And isn't because of scanlators that this series got so popular to western fans? And because of that, western fans started to buy the actual manga too.
That's why the scanlator asked not to upload it to any sites and made an online reader themselves. So that people can still read the latest chapters cause the English version will take so much time. Did you even know that volume 3 might even get released in 2017? And volume 3 contains chapters 13-18 only. So calculate. Chapter 28 is probably in volume 5 so for the English version, that might take a long time. Maybe in 2020 or something.
I bet you even read this release anyway. Why act so innocent. Pfft.
It's all fine and dandy that it gained popularity this way, but now that it's licensed it's wrong to be reading it online. Plus, only three volumes are licensed because they have no idea how popular it's going to be, and if nobody's going to buy the books because they're reading it on sites like this, obviously more volumes aren't going to be licensed. Yaoi isn't a big industry in western countries, it'd be risky to print out a ton of volumes they don't know anyone will buy.
And a scanlator buying one volume that literally thousands of fans then read without making any purchase of their own isn't helping the manga in any way at all versus fans buying an english copy and helping out at least a little, so idk how you're equating that one person buying the manga to translate it to some kind of significant gesture.
The wait sucks, but it's better than nothing at all. Who knows? Maybe they'll get things done faster if they see a lot of interest in it--which they won't if everyone is already satisfied like this. Popular series get volumes translated much quicker than obscure ones. Not only that, they get more merch (the chibi figurines are to die for), anime/OVAs, and publicity in general.
And I didn't read this release. I don't even know who the scanlator is and I don't care to. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
So in your opinion it's absolutely fine to fuck over the Japanese companies and people that put all the actual tremendous effort into it, as long as it isn't licensed to be translated into English? Okay.
I'm not saying it's okay or fine in any way. What I AM saying is that once it's licensed and translated to English, there's really no excuse anymore to keep scanning and uploading. Like, I understand that people want to read yaoi without having to learn japanese. I get it. Not saying that it's okay, just saying that it's understandable. Nobody is going to buy a book they can't read--unless they do what I do which is read it online and then buy available copies in Chinese or Japanese. Not everyone has access to the books in different languages, though, and even most who do don't normally go that far.
BUT, once it's in English, being sold in most local bookstores or on online, there isn't the whole "But it's not translated! Am I just not supposed to read the series I love???" excuse anymore, and at that point I think people should stop scanning/translating it and just let people do what they were supposed to do in the first place--buy the book themselves.
I get your point and you are right but 'local bookstores'? Really? I don't know where you are from but there's no way manga would be sold in local bookstores here. I would have to go all the way to our capital city and even then it's not sure that the shops would sell yaoi.
No offence, I didn't want to pick a fight or something, but I just got ...you know... kind of jealous I think? After reading that because no, i totally isn't like that here.
Nah, I get it. I used to be in the same boat where the only place that sold manga at all was 2-3 hours away depending on traffic. I'd save up and then go there about once a month or so when I'd gotten enough to get all the books I had my eye on. Whenever someone said they lived 15 min away from that store I'd be like "FUCK YOU!!", so I understand your feelings.
You could, however, see if maybe there's a bookstore that does deliveries, which the store I like has recently started doing! Or maybe order them from sites like Amazon or ebay. If you're like me and don't have a credit card, you could ask a trusted friend (or one who doesn't ask too many questions) that does have access to a credit card to buy it for you and then pay them in cash.
Yeah, I have an online site that delivers to my country (it's actually based here haha) but their collection isn't that big. Or it's in French and my french isn't that good. Amazon and ebay are more problematic though, because if you order something from outside of Europe my country makes you pay a LOT extra in order to get it inside the country >.< Buuut there's a kind of con that's being held once a year and they sell a lot of manga there (because shops from outside the country come) and that's in two weeks already! :D
actually the WHOLE team who scanlated, clean, edit, redraw and translate etc is buying the merch and all volumes of ten count you know...
and yes prolly not much of western know yaoi but 75% people who are living in asia know ten count and yeah, thank to the scanlator and the team the ten count sale came up to that number or else if no one understand ten count cos no one is translating it, then the sale prolly be as low as 30% cos only people who understand japanese buy it
btw im confused, if you dont read the release then why are you here? how do you even know that its licensed?
Cause Sublime said they were lisencing or having it licensed up to volume 3 they announced it at Yaoi-con in 2015 and posted it on their website as well in September. That's why the original scanners I think stopped because there was a post on 25 saying they wouldn't be translating it anymore. The first volume is to come out in US is August 2016 for Ten count. I'm happy the people that are scanning it now buy the Japanese releases.
The handful of people on scanlating teams actually buying the merch still isn't going to compare to the thousands of people who aren't going to buy anything but are still going to read this as much as they like.
Look, I'm not ragging on the translators for scanlating Ten Count in the first place. I used to read the releases and be thankful to them, too! But the amount of people buying it in Asia isn't connected to scanlators because those people are Japanese or Chinese or people who understand those languages. None of the people reading these scans is actually supporting the series unless they’re buying the books--which at least 90% aren't. The people in the actual countries it's released in are. We don't have scanlators to thank for this manga's success in its native country--we have them to thank for showing it to western/English-speaking readers who wouldn’t have otherwise been able to read it, which is great! But now that it’s licensed it’s time to stop lazily reading it online and start supporting it in reality rather than just in our heads.
The other scanlation group understood that, so they stopped translating it. They said as much in one of the chapters. Now, however, it seems as that a few others and maybe a member of that group are scanning and translating it again while requesting it not be spread around—which, while it’s a valiant attempt at damage control-- is still not going to be good for this series in the long run.
We—the people who read scans—are not responsible for Ten Count’s success. We had no hand in it. But we could aid in helping if we buy the English release and stop making it easy for others to read without buying it. Love and views on a manga site alone don’t count for crap. Money does. Money is what supports the artist and if you’re not giving it to them when you read these releases, then you’re taking it from them.
yo actually alot of people who dont understand japanese buy their merch too you know, why you implying that lots of them wont buy the mangas and merch? i joined this yaoi community once and surprisingly they actually bought it even to they do not understand the language, i was ashamed and bought it too when i have extras money tho
some of them even go all the way to japan to buy it and even when they have a vacation in japan they bought it
I know people who don't understand Japanese buy the merch--I'm one of those people. I find it in both Japanese and Chinese at the bookstores here and I buy one or the other even though I know neither of those languages.
Those people are a minority. You know it, I know it, we all know it.
It's more important people buy the English release not only for the people who aren't supporting it now, but to show that there IS an industry for yaoi in western countries! Or would you rather have it that it flops because everyone's reading it for free and then the day never comes where you can read volume 5 in book format in English because it was never officially licensed and translated due to the lack of interest that was brought on by people reading scans? People scanning licensed works aren't just hurting the manga’s creators, they’re also hurting the western industry, letting people enjoy the series without spending a single penny to support it and keeping them satisfied like that instead of stopping and forcing them to buy the books that are now being made available to them.
you know if up till now theres no english translation people wont notice ten count, like other untranslated japanese manga. and since ten count is translated, takarai got lots of money. ten count wont flop. if a manga is good enough then they wont flops, just like rutta to kodama. maybe lots of people that you know dont buy the merch and mangas but believe me there are actually lots.
Ten Count won't flop--in Japan. The English release can very easily flop. The only reason it's being licensed and translated is because it's so popular in Japan. If no one buys the English release, however, the rest of the books won't get licensed since only three of the books are going to be translated so far (which obviously shows that the company is testing the waters.)
This isn't One Piece or Naruto, books on high demand with hardcore fans and tons of merch. Yaoi is a much smaller industry in western countries, and it's going to stay that way if no one buys books. Why spend time and money to translate anything that people are just going to continue reading online for free? You can try to create your own wiggle room with "Takarai got lots of money." and "Good manga never flops!" but good manga do flop if they don't have good readers that support them. The proof is in how little good series that people flock to on this site to read and everyone loves in Japan still never get translated.
not to offend but maybe your world is pretty small, maybe a few of your friends doesnt buy the manga and merchs but as i was saying quite a few times they do. they even went to her meet and greet. lots of fans are from germany and spain too since some are translate to that language. for me i actually thank the translator, ten count wasnt trasnlate bcs it was popular. it was trasnlate late before that, right after the manga was out and it was still boring they translate it and then people begun liking it and actaully buying the book thats why takarai start making merch and meet and greet even all the way to germany. even tho lots of germans doesnt understand japanese but she still did a meet and greet there, why? prolly bcs of translators that people who dont understand japanese began noticing ten count right?
yes the translator is wrong too by translating it but she encourage us too buying the merchs and books from her and people are really buying it just like you and me
Her going to Germany might have something to do with her books being licensed and published in German by Tokyopop. Artists don't do meet and greets in places their books aren't being sold. It doesn't make sense and there's no real profit to it. Publishers aren't looking at the people pirating their works for a view on its popularity, they're looking at sales numbers. You think someone on her team is eyeing MangaGo like "Oh, 26000k views? Better go to the states and do a meet n greet!"?
I'm not saying NOBODY supports her books at all--I know there's a certain amount of fans that go the extra mile for her just like we do, but the fact remains that most of them don't. It's absurd to think that the amount of people spending money on it is anything in comparison to the amount just taking advantage of the fact that it's free. The massive amount of views on this site and other sites alone is testimony to that. People are already complaining they don't have money to spend on its English release.
Once again, scans and translations might be to thank for her popularity with English speakers, but lets face it--if it's available for free not as many people are going to buy it. It’s basic human nature.
26000k doesnt mean the number of people doe, it means the view, everytime the same people come back to check the manga or read it or comment it or just check it the number counts up. and thats what im trying to tell you, not bits of people buy her stuffs but lots and the company is should be smart enough to not release lots of english copy cos theyll ofc test if there is actually lots of fans will buy the books and if there is lots theyll going keep making a copy of the book
It's on here for free. Lots of people are not going to buy it if it's on here for free. That's just the facts. When someone downloads a file of Kung Fu Panda 3 that someone videotaped in the cinema, they don't go see it in the cinema or buy it on DVD later. They saw it already.
Sure, some people might want to see it again in HD or will love it enough to buy it themselves, but at the end of the day the majority of the people who watched that pirated version aren't going out of their way to pay for it or they would have done so in the first place. Having english scans on here --at least when a work licensed in English-- is still hurting the artist, and most people you ask on yaoi forums and even people in comments on here say they don't buy the manga they read in Japanese either because they don't want to, don't have the money to or it's too hard for them to get their hands on. Someone earlier on was saying they didn't care if it was licensed at all and would wait as long as they had to for someone to scan it, translate it and put it up on here or another site.
Either way, clearly nothing I'm saying is sinking in and I don't have the energy to keep repeating the plain facts of human nature and the sales industry at you, so I'm just gonna check out of this conversation here. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Catch ya on the flip side~
yeah prolly your community is small enough so you wont understand. even i just had the most annoying argument with someone i thought is fine not buying the manga and reading it for free but they said they wont buy a book they dont understand in language but okay in buying the english copy
maybe its just your community to small so you think that not much people will buy the english copies, even more people disagree aka downvotes you. byebye tho pointless commenting to your small community based logic xx
"BL of the dead" had me like "So BL of Me"