Y'all ever get sick of the rape trope in yaoi (or het hentai idk)? Not trying to hate, I really love yaoi and I like reading a lot of different stories, but sometimes it feels like toooooooooooo much. Like I know it's just fiction or fantasy or whatever, but like doesn't it tire anybody else out? Like, I'm really super sick of trying to read a new series and having to see all the same cliches over and over with the whole
1. Uke raped by stepdad/some kind of direct/indirect relative and seme either saves them or does basically the same thing to them but out of love/jealousy so somehow that makes it better
2. Uke raped by the seme but forgiving them because "love" and staying with that person
3. Uke basically getting Stockholm syndrome after the seme traps them in some situation or other
4. Drugging the uke like it isn't rape (when it is) because an aphrodisiac made them "like it"
5. Blackmailing the uke into sex
Idk, it just bugs me sometimes. Am I alone in this?? I'm having a hard time taking a lot of series seriously anymore. The portrayal of the act, how seriously messed up it is, and its after-effects is also always either swept under the rug, forgotten or extremely unrealistic.
Kind of sad how, after a while of seeing this, rape becomes something of the norm in yaoi. And it gets boring. There are so many possibilities to advance the story. It's like the rape is there just to get the plot going. Frankly, I feel it's kind of lazy. Whatever- to each to his own and I'm not going to deny that I do like it sometimes. Not "like" per se, but it does add to the steam factor of the story (few 'rape' like aphrodisiacs you mentioned not the straight up bs)
Thank you! I've been reading yaoi for about a decade now and I always say yes I'm a yaoi fangirl but I also know that yaoi is trash like it's 80% trash lol when I started reading healthy bdsm erotic written by fans I realized you can have that sub/dom power play without lazy ass writing that allows the uke to just be raped but still fall in love just cause "its romantic guise :D" i just can't
Not to mention how problematic some of the younger fans can be legit thinking rape jokes are funny and making light of it (I'm looking at you Viewfinder fandom) because of the way it's treated in yaoi like bruh yaoi has improved but it can be much much better imo
OH MY GOD, I completely agree with you! :D I'm one of those people who can't enjoy a story if the human relationships are not portrayed realistically. And the trvialisation of rape in yaoi, is a disrespectful slap in the face to victims everywhere, and makes (especially younger readers -yes, I know you under-age readers are out there) people think it's okay to physically violate someone when they have clearly rejected your advances. It just fuels the victim-blaming culture. There are some very unhealthy relationships portrayed in yaoi, and yes I admit to enjoying reading about them , but only if they aren't ridiculously romanticised but shown for what they are.
Hey, I'm looking for a manga (yaoi) that's about this guy who was treated badly for being gay and decides it's safer not to fall in love and owns a cafe (or works there?) wanting to just live his life working in it until this other guy comes along and breaks through his barriers to find he's just really, really scared. (I don't remember properly tbh, but I think that's what it was.)
There's this one customer who steals sugar packets or something and the cafe owner doesn't bother stopping him?
If anyone knows please tell me, I'd greatly appreciate it!
I'm going to take a nice stroll after this and lie down across some train tracks.
(⊙…⊙ ) ╥﹏╥