I thought he was going to say "kneel". THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME

I get angrier for the fact that he thought it was normal to "kiss someone goodbye" than the kiss itself. I thought it was fucked up when everybody was saying stuff like "you're crazy, stop being like this, man cheat, it was just a goodbye kiss", putting almost the blame on her, for having her career and being busy and that "man have needs". Also it looks like that him kissing other woman it's fine but he was jealous of that "kid" just because he was hitting on his wife. I bet that if it was the other way around people would bash her, saying he deserves better, that he did everything for her and that she is a b*tch. Oh, and of course he would be super f*cking mad ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

It makes me even angrier that of course the author had to make him sleep with another woman and make said woman the villain.
But never ever would Jennifer sleep with another man, even if they were divorced, bc it is implicit that she belongs to him, and that would make her a bitch.
The man can find excuses to sleep with whomever ('you filed for divorce' and etc, he always is excused), but the woman is forbidden.
And what.angers me the most is how she took blame for his actions in the end - it obviously was her fault for not trusting him when he kissed another woman and even said it was normal. Whatever he does after she filled for divorce is obviously her fault. He couldn't probably have thought that 'wow I'm doing exactly what she's divorcing me for doing', nay, that was her fault for accusing him of cheating when provided with a picture and no apologies from him. Oh, and blame for having a career, don't forget that. It's obvious that she has to give her career a break if they want to meet, it's preposterous to suggest he does the career break.
This story is full of sexism, victim blaming and even subtle slut shaming. The only nice line was when she said they couldn't be together because of their different values, and even so the author broke what was supposed to be a strong woman into a submissive one in the end.

I am sooo tired of this girl vs girl in shoujo/josei. So tired of this kinda "harem" thing that puts guys in the center and girls fighting for some guy and girls hating each other.
When i began reading I was happy that she had a job, was successful in it and decided not to take his cheating as something "normal" - as he and EVERYONE else was saying. I was like "maybe this is finally a strong character?" but then she start to think "oh maybe this is actually my fault for not giving him attention..." and I was like "noo girl". Because I think that if he was lonely, he should have said so. I guess that when you are dating is harder but they were married. He has the right to complain when something is wrong because that's how you work things out but he was just acting normal, giving her kisses (but bitching mentally) and then cheating on her which is obviously a nice way to work things out.
And at the end of the day Jessica was wrong because she should know better - that man cheat and that's normal, Matteo was just a man that has needs and need care, he loves her and he is hot, gentle, rich and famous (all the more Jessica should forgive because he is surrounded by hotties that adores him and whats to be with him) and the other girl is a bitch and no questions asked because she slept with him and that makes her a slut and homewrecker, of course.

IKR! No início, eu achei que ela fosse ser uma personagem forte, e quando ela falou que eles não poderiam ficar juntos por causa dos valores diferentes deles, eu achei 'nossa, ai vem uma personagem forte', e achei que essa visão dela fosse proporcionar uma mudança pra melhor nele.
Essa história de mulher x mulher realmente me irrita. Me irrita também que a mulher sempre 'pertence' ao homem implicitamente no contexto geral da historia, é meio que uma regra nojenta que a mulher NUNCA pode dormir com outros homens, mesmo que o manga seja a mulher sendo disputada por dois homens.
Também é bem hipócrita dele se justificar que só dormiu com a Sofia depois deles estarem separados, quando ele fez questão de ser um cockblock com ela quando outro homem se aproximou dela.
Honestamente, relacionamentos são vias de mão dupla, se ele queria mais tempo com ela, ele devia também ter fito um esforço. Agora o mangá mostra ele como querendo ela, mas ela só saindo como forma de culpar ela, quando na verdade isso só mostra que ele quer uma mulher conveniente que esteja disponível sempre que ele quiser. Isso não é cuidar do relacionamento, isso é ele exigindo dela atenção integral quando ele só dá a ela a atenção que estiver sobrando.

The sex part is just TOO MUCH. It's not Yuuki's body and Asato seems to be forgetting that, I mean, if Tokofumi agreed on that, it would be totally different, but no, he did not and now he "comes back" and find "them" using his body like that. Just pissed of with the little couple and sad. Now I just don't want Tokofumi with Asato anymore, I'm just too disappointed and MAD ヽ(`Д´)ノ

i'm disappointed too
"You're good at cooking so I thought, maybe you're a girl" Well... that's nice :)
IKR! ugh...
we all know he just made that up on the spot because he just wanted to cop a feel hurhur