I thought so in the beginning but there's an actual deep plot and once u get used to all the cat references they feel more human than furry /animal sexualization.
I thought so in the beginning but there's an actual deep plot and once u get used to all the cat references they feel more human than furry /animal sexualization. Nimhun
Thank you mate I'll take your advice into account Katiti65
But I do tend to skip around when they get funky and naked because I'm more interested in the plot. Also, I haven't imagined actual cats or anything like what some other commenter's said they have
I thought so in the beginning but there's an actual deep plot and once u get used to all the cat references they feel more human than furry /animal sexualization. Nimhun
I DEEPLY despise them both but unfortunately Helios has more sense than (I still don’t forgive him) Diana. She’s so delusional that I actually get secondhand embarrassment lolol
falling to the floor was dramatic no?
Opera performance for herself without any audience