Nibbacarrot's experience ( All 4 )

08 06,2020
I dropped one because of cheating, and too much straight shit. Like when i see yaoi were they show sex scenes with women in it or one of them is in a relationship with a girl i get turned off immediately. If i wanna see straight shit i watch hentai!!! But im reading yaoi im not in that mood rn   reply
08 06,2020
02 06,2020
More of a semen myself.   reply
02 06,2020
SToP bItcH stOp   reply
20 05,2020
Im only scared if im alone tho. I have a nightlight to keep me safe.   2 reply
01 05,2020

Nibbacarrot's answer ( All 69 )

Post rock is a very depressing genre   reply
23 06,2020
Yeah dont watch porn in public it can make people uncomfortable   1 reply
23 06,2020
Im pretty sure female alphas have dicks kinda like futas   reply
21 06,2020
I tucked my hair and a beanie and wore a hot and pretended to be a dude on discord bc i was bored. Nobody belived me tho...   reply
21 06,2020
Dude you better delete this... I wont be saving your ass when you get flamed by stans imma be watching while eating some popcorn   2 reply
21 06,2020

Nibbacarrot's question ( All 5 )

How much do you know about it? Are you involved at all? Have you ever looted? I want to know your experiences.
02 06,2020
May a kind fella help me out? Is there a way to do it without downloading pictures?
20 05,2020
I hate the playboy who's "only gay if its you" trope and love triangle. Also backstorys that are way too tragic that just pop out of nowhere so it seems out of place.
28 04,2020
Expecially asexuals why do you still consider yourself asexual? Im not hating just curious
28 04,2020
Im into jazz, rnb, funk, lofi, mathrock, shoegaze, post rock, alternitive rock and many others but those are my main ones. My favorite band is kero kero bonito (especially the time n place era)
27 04,2020

People are doing

did read manga

Maybe I've been desensitised but I've seen worse tbh although I can't deny it's also really bad but the not the worse out there

2 hours
did read manga

I was sexually abused when I was 7. I'm twisted and I like to imagine myself as the Shota. I find some comfort in it.

4 hours
did masturbated to yaoi


14 hours