*Ariam*'s experience ( All 0 )

*Ariam*'s answer ( All 270 )

about question
I guess when people created omegaverse the main point was to make them be able to have babies. So I rather prefer that they have babies at least by the end of the story   reply
27 05,2024
about question
26 05,2024
I don't know any kpop but watching all the photos that you got here I got a question , are they all naturally pretty or they got surgeries at least on their eyes ? It s just they say that Koreans often do surgeries but I don't know much about it   2 reply
26 05,2024
30 04,2024
Something about perfumes. Maybe to work at the lab that creates new scents. Or to be a parfumere...   reply
30 04,2024
because when it s not mutual it s useless   reply
15 03,2024
if it s too hard u can always break up you know   reply
11 03,2024

*Ariam*'s question ( All 0 )