your local dead bitch February 1, 2021 5:33 pm

aria seems sweet but i am a little annoyed with her, honestly i'm more happy that the misunderstanding was solved and there was no pointless rivalry among them. just girls supporting girls.

but as i said I am slightly annoyed with her, but i am PISSED with that prince. I can't really blame aria for her actions (she didn't do anything that bad) but i sure as hell can be furious with that damn prince.

he had the nerve to accuse sei of being a phony? everyone around him apologized FOR him and yet sei gets no apology from him herself? what a wussy? and the fact that he completely ignored sei (he probably based it off looks and thought sei was too "basic" or something). he just infuriated me! like i understand, poor aria, getting ripped out of her world, but what about sei? i pity aria but sei also had a life too? URGHHHHHh

sorry i really just wanted to rant about this

    Ahiru<3 February 3, 2021 6:29 am

    YEss i completely haaate the princeeeee(︶︿︶)=凸, he should man up already and apologize to everyone. He's one of those really annoying characters, I kinda hope our fmc doesn't get friendly with the likes of him ┗( T﹏T )┛

    your local dead bitch February 17, 2021 1:31 am
    YEss i completely haaate the princeeeee(︶︿︶)=凸, he should man up already and apologize to everyone. He's one of those really annoying characters, I kinda hope our fmc doesn't get friendly with the ... Ahiru<3

    omg right? i'm probably being petty but i want him to grovel to the floor and beg for forgiveness (most likely won't happen since this seems to be a more light hearted manga) but i just feel so petty about it.

Eileen January 9, 2021 3:20 am

Natsune and Yamabiki are so fine and for WHAT? to leave the earth and rid themselves from existence? bitch i wanted some of that ass too okay?! (i trying to cope with the pain by being horny ok, it's not really working but if i pretend im horny and not sad then i'll forget the pain eventually)

    kageyamas.wife January 9, 2021 5:54 am


    sad--joker January 9, 2021 6:34 pm

    You need to accept the pain and adapt yourself. Like I really do understand that horny part but (saying this after lots of experiece) don't you always feel shitty right after. You may feel that moment of pleasure but damn you always have to return to the mess. Then speaking of myself, this forced adaption I took on myself to somewhat "survive", took me to have personality problems. So one way or another I don't really know what's best but just don't try to forget the pain, try to accept it somehow.

    your local dead bitch January 27, 2021 4:45 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Moir (satan is waving at me)

    i think we all need medical mental help LOL

    your local dead bitch January 27, 2021 4:47 am

    RIGHT?! it's so unfair!!!! i was literally bawling, but i've gotten into a habit of like barking or growling at anything "sexually appealing" (tiktok brought it onto me LOL dont ask) so just imagine me on the phone while on the toilet sobbing and growling at the same time ijndwiuweo

    your local dead bitch February 17, 2021 1:33 am
    You need to accept the pain and adapt yourself. Like I really do understand that horny part but (saying this after lots of experiece) don't you always feel shitty right after. You may feel that moment of pleasu... sad--joker

    i saw this but forget to reply to it! but yes your absolutely right! i know it's wrong (and tbh i've gotten better at coping) but at the time i just really couldn't help it! thanks for being so kind!

Eileen December 3, 2020 10:02 pm

i'm going to be straight up. this story here. PISSES ME OFF. i love it, but i hate it. the duke always manages to do SOMETHING that makes me hate him. and then do ANOTHER thing and make me love him. and now that he's making me hate him LESS, i have to deal with getting ANNOYED with our GIRL NOW.

Eileen December 1, 2020 9:47 pm

To be honest I'm glad that Lucia doesn't think badly of his kid. Like if I was in her position and knew that I was marrying a guy who had a kid, and was known to mess around with women, I wouldn't HATE the kid I mean tf why would I but I would always question whether or not they actually liked me, or whether they would suddenly disappear one day. why? because i'm a INSECURE BITCH. but like I'm so happy that unlike other people I've known she doesn't harbor those feelings and she most likely wouldn't take it out on the kid. that to me is so refreshing.

    Lia December 2, 2020 7:09 am

    Idk if this is spoilers or not but here..

    The kid is actually not his. That’s his nephew so that means the brother slept with the sister and Damien was the product. But I think they’ll go more into detail about it later.

    Eileen January 1, 2021 9:21 am
    Idk if this is spoilers or not but here..The kid is actually not his. That’s his nephew so that means the brother slept with the sister and Damien was the product. But I think they’ll go more into detail ab... Lia

    i see- actually thanks for telling me (i have an unhelathy obsession with spoilers for some reason) (⊙…⊙ )

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