HeyHeyPeople! September 15, 2020 10:32 pm

This man is acting a little too normal for someone who is getting blackmailed and got raped like-, fuck I lost count. If anything, I would probably try my best to keep a distance, and be happy that my rapist is not coming to school, like tf? Is it just me or no?

    Quicksilver September 16, 2020 12:41 am

    the way the story is written, Junho is not all that worried about the stuff Lee Kang's been doing to him. As Junho's mama you can try making him cower in a corner of the school cafeteria so the big bad doesn't notice him, but I don't think Junho will vote you mother-of-the-year for it. LOL
    To answer your q, they've had sex 5 times

    Jorshstein September 17, 2020 6:50 am

    Is this not you I don't know why he brought food over to his house to eat with The talk about how he was feeling about his parents death as if they're friends when 1's a victim in the other is the perpetrator I don't know if Stockholm syndrome has not Registered yet in his brain but We're looking in there situation Knowing that Are blue hair Wonder boy hasn't learned his lesson yet when it comes to Abuses

    Quicksilver September 17, 2020 5:37 pm
    Is this not you I don't know why he brought food over to his house to eat with The talk about how he was feeling about his parents death as if they're friends when 1's a victim in the other is the perpetrator I... Jorshstein

    why don't you guys get it? Junho is not as worried about Lee Kang as you are. You're projecting yourself, values, life-goals, mate-finding requirements, etc. onto a character in a comic book.
    Junho isn't devastated to the point of needing extreme psychiatric help. I'm not putting down rape victims for whom a great deal of help is realistic and necessary. I'm saying that this is a story where reality doesn't apply.
    If you people who have that strong hatred and fear of rape, keep reading this the way people are drawn to look at a car wreck or read about serial murder, you need to admit to yourself that that's the reason you're reading this and be okay with it. It's human. You're human.
    But to not accept that some things that you think are terrible are still subjects of lurid interest to you, and make it all about how you're reading this but that the author shouldn't have written about rape or that the people who are reading it and liking it are somehow sick, depraved, rapists themselves, or sexual predators, or just wrong and immoral, no, it's not your place to take another person's view and call it wrong.

    Jorshstein September 18, 2020 4:31 am

    Look here quick silver understand your point But we're just confused on why he is so concerned about him After all of that that has been done to him but I guess it's human nature to go after something after being Hurt to find out what make it Do such things so that's why I could tell you to read it I wanna see if he can find out What's behind this abusers motives.This is not the worst piece Of work when it comes to dark things It's just Some of us or most of us Or adjusting To the situation a little later than usual.

    HeyHeyPeople! September 18, 2020 8:38 am

    Oh god, If you guys are gonna have an argument, please don't do it here, it's quite annoying when I see a bunch of notifications while I'm reading my manga in peace.

    Jorshstein September 18, 2020 4:23 pm
    Oh god, If you guys are gonna have an argument, please don't do it here, it's quite annoying when I see a bunch of notifications while I'm reading my manga in peace. HeyHeyPeople!

    My bad love I Leave it alone I don't want to disturb you peace

    Quicksilver September 18, 2020 4:43 pm
    My bad love I Leave it alone I don't want to disturb you peace Jorshstein

    yeah yeah, god knows we don't want to bother you with any kind of discussion that might take brains to assimilate.

    Quicksilver September 18, 2020 4:45 pm
    Look here quick silver understand your point But we're just confused on why he is so concerned about him After all of that that has been done to him but I guess it's human nature to go after something after bei... Jorshstein

    jorshstein, love the name, i get you. It's some - most - of the other wankers I don't get.

    Quicksilver September 19, 2020 7:39 pm
    Oh god, If you guys are gonna have an argument, please don't do it here, it's quite annoying when I see a bunch of notifications while I'm reading my manga in peace. HeyHeyPeople!

    i still think your pfp is cute as hell... and i wouldn't want to do anything to cloud your joy. lol

HeyHeyPeople! September 15, 2020 4:14 pm

Mr. Hans may be hot, but just because you fucking kissed Param, THAT DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE FUCKING RIGHT TO JUST JACK HIM OFF WHEN HE SAID NO. I NEVER FELT SUCH RAGE BEFORE I-, where's my pillow-

HeyHeyPeople! September 15, 2020 1:24 pm

Omfg, fuck off asshole. I don't even give a shit about you being naked, i'm bisexual, but i'm asexual around you. Bitch can be jealous, he can stare, he look, but he can't fucking touch the uke, god I feel like crying for him the seme is the trashiest person out there. But sadly I know that they are going to get together in the end, I'm not gonna cry of happiness though, it's probably gonna be tears of disappointment.

    Sugakookie September 15, 2020 1:25 pm

    Wait, how do you for sure Yawhi's gonna be the endgame? Please if that's true imma cry

    Sugakookie September 15, 2020 1:26 pm

    Also preach, fuck off to his face

    HeyHeyPeople! September 15, 2020 1:27 pm
    Wait, how do you for sure Yawhi's gonna be the endgame? Please if that's true imma cry Sugakookie

    I mean, it's obvious. The seme has a trashy personality, but then he has a sob story to make up for it, the uke then feels bad accepts the seme confession then boom. "HaPpY EnDiNg"

    Sugakookie September 15, 2020 1:33 pm
    I mean, it's obvious. The seme has a trashy personality, but then he has a sob story to make up for it, the uke then feels bad accepts the seme confession then boom. "HaPpY EnDiNg" HeyHeyPeople!

    Lmao dat's true ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    I was an idiot for expecting something non-cliche, guess I gotta drop this one. The uke's starting to annoy me too, like I'm done with desperate af ukes ready to sell their worth and self respect for shitty assholes. Thanks for reminding me xD

    HeyHeyPeople! September 15, 2020 1:37 pm
    Lmao dat's true ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭I was an idiot for expecting something non-cliche, guess I gotta drop this one. The uke's starting to annoy me too, like I'm done with desperate af ukes ready to sell their wor... Sugakookie

    I'm gonna try and continue this, even though I know I'm right, the only reason i'm here is just for the blonde hair cutie

    Sugakookie September 15, 2020 1:44 pm
    I'm gonna try and continue this, even though I know I'm right, the only reason i'm here is just for the blonde hair cutie HeyHeyPeople!

    I wouldn’t be able to see him being used as a mere plot device to get those two together he's too just too precious for that t.t On top of that I've got a very strong 2nd lead syndrome and I've gotten my heart broken so many times already :) And most of the time the 2nd leads were honest and good guys ugh. Best of luck btw :') Maybe I'll come back after it's completed!

    HeyHeyPeople! September 15, 2020 1:52 pm
    I wouldn’t be able to see him being used as a mere plot device to get those two together he's too just too precious for that t.t On top of that I've got a very strong 2nd lead syndrome and I've gotten my hear... Sugakookie

    After reading that, I think I'm gonna drop it too, and yeah I may come back when it's completed

HeyHeyPeople! September 14, 2020 10:34 pm

This man can have the shittiest childhood, but I still would want to break his neck and steal that money for my broke ass

HeyHeyPeople! September 14, 2020 3:17 pm

Sto thinking like this, he's just worried about his sister, i-it's his duty as an elder br-brother- Just brother and sister love, I-I need to be cleanse for these thoughts-

HeyHeyPeople! September 14, 2020 2:35 pm

Are my eyes fooling me? Is god answering my prayers? The uke didn't get his ass destroyeD IN THIS CHAPTER?! I've never felt so proud of Kang before, he didn't even lay a finger on him, here's your reward-

HeyHeyPeople! September 14, 2020 3:38 am

Listen.. I get it when you guys say they have abused for five years I get it okay? But right now, they have to stop thinking for themselves and try to understand the situation better. Right now, they are focused on escaping, but if they just think about the story better, maybe they can at least trust the brother, just a little. They have to give it some thought... At this point.. They are only using the emperor as an excuse to leave. I don't expect them to get it right away, but if they just try, put at least a quarter of their trust into BROTHER, if you hate the emperor please try to think about others then...

    Dyna September 14, 2020 3:43 am

    Right?? Plus the second prince help protect them & even shield them w/ his own magic even though he knows that will affect his health

    weewoo September 14, 2020 4:16 am

    you clearly don't get it if you think it's something that can just be brushed off. It isnt a story to them its their freaking life. Also stop thinking for themselves?! Why tf shouldn't they think for themselves and think for others when nobody does that for them. You're seeing them as just characters in a story rather than the real people they're portrayed to be

    HeyHeyPeople! September 14, 2020 4:42 am
    you clearly don't get it if you think it's something that can just be brushed off. It isnt a story to them its their freaking life. Also stop thinking for themselves?! Why tf shouldn't they think for themselves... weewoo

    I-, I literally put please don't send me hate comments, I just said my opinion... You should reread everything before assuming shit. Like I said, I don't expect them to get it right away, I said I wanted them to at least try to do it, not fucking just forget the fact that they were abused for five years, and I also said to put at least a quarter of their trust into other people. And what do you mean nobody does think of them? I reread this manga a lot even though it's not completed and as I see, it may not be a lot but people are concerned about their wellbeing. I'm repeating myself again, I said try, not fucking force them to think about other people if they can't do it they can't do it, I'm also really pissed off right now because you literally just discard my title too, "please don't send me hate comments" So if you think I'm going overboard, just think of it as your own mistake because you don't fucking read and listen.

    Elx3 September 14, 2020 5:05 am

    They've been on "surviving mode" for 5 years. Stop thinking for themselves? What??? The royal family has been negligent of them the entire time. So why now of all time should they bother the twins? If it were me, I wouldn't trust these brothers even a tiny bit. But then again the twins are fuckin stupid for even trusting a noble lol.

    I don't think the twins should try to understand the situation. It was a foreign world for them, and them being ushered into another new environment when they're trying to survive? That's stress piled up on top of another stress. Even if the second brother explained the father's situation, it still doesn't excuse of him wanting to kill the twins(and the only reason he didn't was because they inherited his hair colour lol). The royal family, especially the father should be the one to explain everything. He should also explain regarding their guardian's situation(Jason).

    If the twins wanted an out, then they have all the right to get out of the royal family. The twins are being selfish, for a good reason(wanting to protect themselves). The father and brothers are selfish for wanting to place them within the vicinity of the royal family. When I placed myself as those twins, I empathize their situation and unwillingness in trying to understand others. When I place myself as the father and brothers, aside from protecting the emperor's life, I can't understand other shit lol.

    HeyHeyPeople! September 14, 2020 5:25 am
    They've been on "surviving mode" for 5 years. Stop thinking for themselves? What??? The royal family has been negligent of them the entire time. So why now of all time should they bother the twins? If it were m... Elx3

    Omfg, did you literally sent an entire essay and expected me to waste my time and read this shit, if you get this heated in the internet, you're not gonna survive in the read world sweetie. This is the last message I am sending, just click the dislike and stop replying to this comment okay?

HeyHeyPeople! September 14, 2020 3:23 am

My fucking god, a million butterflies are just flying around in my stomach right now fuck I can't stop smiling-

HeyHeyPeople! September 14, 2020 1:24 am

This boy said stop, and the seme didn't so I'm not gonna feel bad for the seme at all and everytime the seme and uke do talk it always end up with seme dick in the uke's ass so this is a good thing, the uke should continue ignoring him until this seme gets another fucking fuck buddy.

HeyHeyPeople! September 13, 2020 4:14 am

I am on last strand of waiting for this son of bitch to have character devlopment if I don't see anything in the next chapter, I swear on the only 2 1 dollar bills I have I will type the longest comment in mangago literally going off on this asshole.

    BowsetteKing September 13, 2020 4:15 am

    Am dying reading this comment

    Xie Lo September 13, 2020 4:35 am

    Read palace of Bardo at least the Seme there tries hard to change. He even cried for his uke unlike certain someone here who wants to share his uke to others.

    ali September 13, 2020 4:49 am

    character dev doesn't happen overnight. seungho's been like this forever, if he were to change completely in just one chapter, that kind of development would be unsatisfying and forced.

    i'd do the same exact thing as you if he were to keep acting like this after ten more chapters though, but rn, he's just on time out in my books.

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