Yes, it's kinda true that it's gets really (idk) how everygirl that's close to the mc gets/almost got raped, but guys, these really happens. Even if you know how/can't defense yourself, there's always a chance for u to get raped. It's not even an excuse that some of you people say that it was dumb for her to talk/interact to someone who has bad intentions to Aruma. Rape is so fcking wrong, even if it's done by a girl/a boy or happens to someone who can defend herself/to someone who can't

It is ALWAYS dumb for a person alone (esp a girl) to confront a person who is a bully and is planning a murder.
No one is justifying rape. It's that this author likes to use female characters as objects for rape and for stupid behavior. All the women have displayed stupidity and quite a few assaulted or raped or threatened with rape. It's a troublesome plot repetition.

Boy, are youy good at missing the point. The point isn't she deserves rape (no one does , execpt rapists, maybe). The point is she did a totally irrational, dumb, stupid, dangerous thing.
You think her behavior was smart?
How about go and tell authorities there's a guy planning murder.
How about warn the victim-to-be and get reinforcement.
Would you confront a guy who is a known. bully and is planninbg murder...BY YOURSELF???

I also noticed that in edgy psychological horror stories about a nice japanese guy becoming a murderer for revenge the female characters are plot devices or just canon fodders.
The women/girls in this genre always are easily brutally abused, raped or murdered and the men are all low life scum so the protagonist can go full on vengeance.
I prefer the more nuanced story like PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN

Just because it happens irl doesn't mean its okay to make every female character a throw away sacrifice for a man's motivation and pain. Look up "fridging", it explains why torturing and sacrificing female characters is actually a very misogynistic trend that diminishes female characters to tools for the plot rather than actual fleshed out characters in their own right. That is bad writing my friend, it's lazy af tbh. Not to mention the weird fetishizing tones of showing the rapes graphicly when they don't need to. Literally fetishizing violence against women.