now that I'm rereading this, it really made me realize that this is real 'cause it has similarities to the one I experienced as a kid... like the one when that 'nii-chan' let Yui play with his psp and other stuff... it also pretty scary because I noticed how weird things that I do some days are somehow the effect of how that shit happened to me. I can't also say this to my family because of two things. First was before when I was on Grade 4, I'm not sure if that happened to me, but then when I stayed on their house (her sister, my cousin, is really close to me) while sleeping, I caught him almost touching me. I cried that night and almost screamed but he told me to shut up. I don't also want to be an embarrassment. That time I'm sure that he did those things before to me. Last is that I can never tell my parents nor people who're close to my family about that because I don't want to cause other people more trouble. Up until now, I'm still silent about all of this. Only my friends and other people in my organization knows about this. I also told them not to tell anyone.
I also hate that I'm becoming a sort of pervert and liking really weird things because of this. Hahah, makes me wanna die some times. Also please don't pity me or something.
even rin wants the mc position now HSHSHSJAJAJ
that's a life of background characters - everyone wanna be the [protagonist] lol