Zaddy's favourite created a topic of Free in Dreams

Idk idk idk. Cause personally I dont see the problem w Siyun beating up the abusive dad. Especially w all that hes been doing. Its all about balance he cant be a pacifist all of the time. But i get that FL wants the best for him and prison wouldn't be that great. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
Hes trying to be somone he really isn't rn and I dont think thats good either. Its like he's yoyoing through all the poor mental health decisions possible. I don't see this ending well

Zaddy's favourite created a topic of Rojiura Pussycat

And the seme is an adult gughschool drop out w a gambling addiction be so fr

Zaddy's favourite created a topic of Rojiura Pussycat

That is a child (⊙…⊙ ).

Zaddy's favourite created a topic of Free in Dreams

Its too ominous. Hes doing too well w his attempts at healing and u feel like someone or something is going mess that up.

Zaddy's favourite created a topic of Mad Dog

Gosh i love their dynamic. I really do get a kick out of toxicity ლ(´ڡ`ლ). Like yes hate each other but love each other at the same time. Tip the power scale over.

Zaddy's favourite created a topic of Free in Dreams

I really hope this has a happy ending. Im so proud of him for recognising his short comings and trying to do better for himself.

Im excited. Yamada might get jealous or he might be all cool like ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

Zaddy's favourite created a topic of Free in Dreams

I have sm hope for him. I feel like he can make progress and be happy

This is so dark omg. I hope the mother rots in hell and I hope the father never has an hour of rest in his death. Hiro kun is scum and I hope that his younger self wins the war in his mind so that Airi can get herself together. That being said this manga is dark and my expectations are below the house. Good read though.

Zaddy's favourite created a topic of Free in Dreams

Please I want a happy ending for him ╥﹏╥