I have conflicting feelings towards yechan. On one hand he's so adorable that it's triggering my paternal instinct, making me want to protect him, but on the otherhand it's making my sadistic side act up, like, how sexy would it be seeing him cry while i pump his a** with enough kids to make an orphanage

Ugh, I'm too weak for this, why did I tear up a bit?! I just feel so sorry towards Ernon, being held helpless and unable to do anything to ease his situation. For the first time in his life, he found something he cherishes but then life takes it away without warning. Showing hope to anyone stuck in a hopeless situation then taking it away is way worse than being hopeless; at least when you're just miserable you can make at peace with that, but giving false hope is no different than killing a just recovered survivor— just plain cruelty.
According to Chinese Mythology, there's one animal that can change into a dragon once it swims upstream and leaps the falls of yellow river known as the Dragon's gate, and what animal is it? Surprise, surprise, it's the Carp, which is a type of fish. I bet 20 bucks that Kaido's mythical Zoan fruit is called Fish-Fish fruit model: Carp.