Our Sunny Days
LITERALLY BROKE MY RATING BROOOO?!?!? THE YEARNING, THE LOVE, THE KISSES, HUGS AND TOUCH WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH THEIR LOVE IS SOOOOOO IDK LOVING?!?!?! uwaaa I love their family so much ;ᴗ; I love Sung Ho, I love Hae-beom, I love the little princess so so so so so much it hurts physically mentally ack they're soooo adorable!!!! I love how smitten Hae-beom is and how loveable and endearing Ho is likeeee omg I LOVE THEM SO MUUUUUUUUUUUCH I WANNA CRY SO BAD TvT I only want pure happiness to their little familyyyy ;ᴗ; this is actually one of the manhwa that brings me peace in my heart and mind, that's how wholesome this story is. ITS ACTUALLY HEALING SOMETHING INSIDE ME???? uwaaaaaaa I manifest such love like this huhu this is so good i wanna throw up alsoooo additionallyyy I LOVE THOSE SMALL ILLUSTRATIONS AFTER EACH CHAPTER AAAA ITS SO CUTE AND HAHAAHAHA HAE-BEOM BEING A BLACK SEA LION IS ALSO SOSOSO ADORABLE AHAHAHAHAHA I LOVE IT SO BAD
Demonic Evolution
too much fan service but the plot is kinda interesting ugh
Smartphone & Phone Case