lmao I love how you guys are saying to stop uploading over the last uploader but they stole the project from the first people who uploaded
does anyone know where I can buy this physical manga?
You can buy on Amazon jp. https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/%E4%B8%83%E5%B4%8E-%E8%89%AF%E8%BC%94/dp/4160901018/ref=pd_sbs_3?pd_rd_w=mwkC1&pf_rd_p=7997b82e-5553-4baa-ac55-976d37fe0def&pf_rd_r=X30F99VTQXS24ZSHNDD2&pd_rd_r=65667b17-3c89-4cf9-8309-72ff903b2744&pd_rd_wg=1kdSO&pd_rd_i=4160901018&psc=1
lmao I love how you guys are saying to stop uploading over the last uploader but they stole the project from the first people who uploaded