i really can’t stand the ml. while he do have the fair share of trauma and issues, that does not justify being a complete shit. violet has tried talking to him for several years, this is not just a one-time thing. he’s so fucking annoying istg hes like sorry for neglecting u all these years which also happens to make u want to k!ll urself but i changed now? what is this bs it’s too late now for redemption mf.. and the way fl has tried to kill herself twice but never got proper help is concerning????? she deserves so much better

My earlier comment said to not put all the blame on ml. He obviously doesn’t have a high level of EQ and resolves most things with money because he built up his own wealth himself. Just like how he doesn’t try to understand his wife mc doesn’t try to understand him either, though she’s a bit better than him because she at least tries on the surface level. They both have their own preconceived notions about each other that gets them to not even try. Pair that with the bitch ass people that surround them, more and more misunderstandings happen which leads to them drifting apart and never understanding one another. Violet just got the shortest end of the stick cause she has no stable room to stand on and she’s surrounded by her enemies, while Winter still has his business and men are able to live without a backing easier than a woman in that time period(especially since my was a princess before). Anyway, it’s not all entirely on him, though we’re more inclined to blame him since he doesn’t have a lot of emotional intelligence(eq) and seems more like the bad guy because of it(also caddie we’re mainly in the perspective of the Mc and were more inclined to sympathize with her, considering her background and her suicide attempts)
Anyway, I’m more for blaming circumstance and the bitch ass people around them.

while i do understand that part of the reason i am unable to fully empathize with the ml is bc of his lack of eq i still find him annoying and their relationship is beyond redeemable especially when the constraints of their relationship harmed them both to the point of mc having suicide attempts
but i do agree that the ppl around them are mostly at fault and a major factor to why they are hindered from communicating properly

I don’t empathize with ml. Yes, he’s at fault, but not all of the blame should be put on him -_- it’s like entirely blaming the friends or family of a suicide victim for not seeing the signs early when they couldn’t tell. Also, the female didn’t die because that’s the story this is. I’m just sick of people ranting about the ml like he’s the sole reason their relationship is so fcked. They both had preconceived notions about one another and they’re mostly victims of circumstance and the people around them.

Oh, in no way would I promote such a relationship in real life. It’s toxic as hell. They got really bad luck with the start of their relationship, even if they both actually like each other, and it’s just harming them. I was just talking about how people put basically all the blame on the ml.
Anyway, I’ve just gotten sick of blaming the ml since it’s just lessening my enjoyment of this series.
Not to mention, compared with the bitchass ml from abandoned empress, he’s still better imo cause that jerk ass was completely at fault there, and that story still triggers me to this day.

No, I was going under the implications of people blaming the people close around the victim for not noticing the signs they were suicidal, not them being the cause of it. Yes, sometimes they may be one of the reasons for it(like some neglect or even pressure can make things worse if a suicidal person is already dealing with some sht), but that doesn’t mean they should take the full blame. That’s the same as the ml. Yes, he’s part of it, but that doesn’t mean he should take full blame.
In all honesty, my best comparison for the ml is like how a parent that’s always working to support their family doesn’t pay attention to their kid who’s suffering from a bad mental state because of outside reasons(like bullying). They don’t notice the signs of their child being suicidal, and they’re busy with work. They think giving gifts will be enough due to them not being able to express their feelings well, but it’s not reaching the child and they don’t know why and get frustrated. Yes, they are part of the problem, but not the full problem. The other factors in the child’s life are also part of it, and possibly even worse(which is the case in the ml and mc’s scenario in my opinion). If they had paid attention at least once, they might’ve been able to fix it and help the victim, but they didn’t and now they’ve lost their child. I don’t think they should take the full blame tho, even if they are pretty bad for neglecting the emotional needs of their child(my ex-mom was full on neglectful, and I don’t think I would’ve survived if not for my sis raising me for our early life).
Anyway, that’s the best comparison I can give I guess. I wasn’t saying he shouldn’t be blamed at all. I’m saying he shouldn’t take the full blame(which I’ve said multiple times) and they both have their situations and communication problems. Their own biases(both of them have it, even MC) about each other make it even harder.

i finished this today and ohmygod im an emotional wreck !!?? i wish we got to see more of dahm and sunwoo the 8 years worth of yearning got me TT their relationship was so wholesome and id always find myself smiling bc of them. like not to compare but they were far more interesting than the main ??? idk anyway i enjoyed this :(
anyone have recos with smut where the guy looks like this? manly nd buff nd pretty and maybe with no incest? plsss