I dont know what happened but i dont like it im sorry please dont get mad at me because the girl is just not my liking her character is so not my type thats all i mean only one thing i dislike she cant control her teasing others misunderstand it and she is already have a husband why behaving so clumsy? I dont like it sorry but i enjoyed while it last but author nim dont stop okay continue i might not like this but doesnt mean im not amaze by your work is really amazing and wonderful is just the girl character is not my liking at the moment anyway more power authornim

Is this your first time on the internet or are you just a dumb little bitch? I really don't care about how you're expressing yourself or your opinion. The facts are that this world allows women to fuck whoever they want and flirt with whoever they want. The second fact is that this is a harem. Again, I don't swear at people because they "hurt my feelings", I just swear at dumb idiots who don't consider context or the tags.

Just for the record limit your disrespectful words you can say those words to me freely cause i dont really care, cause first you dont know who i am and lastly this is social media which is free for all. But i dont think others might take it and will leave it just it be...just like what i do, so Im saying this for your own good, BUT! i dont care your not someone whose worthy of it after all, *sigh...* anywaaaay you just made my day more interesting so i hope you also have a wondeful day have a warm and clean environment day to you. Whoever you are...

This is so saaaaaad as fuuuuuck and i get me very very maaad i know what it feels to be shut out and choose choices you cant avoid of because is all in a verge of life and death is the same you being alive but inside your already dead i feel sk sorry for her and at the same time im so happy because i got to read this pleease update soon author nim we will wait we love this story sooo muuuch

If she choose the wrong decision she will get played once again. Please of all i require a second chance for the duke and her relationship and please duke guy dont let other people fooled you even the niceties one is more than evil so refrain from that and be wise your a duke show to me that you deserve that title because right now is not deserving for you to be one also violet baby girl you need to learn more dont easily trust someone or anyone even if your bff or child hood friends because theres no such thing as perfect and innocent world so you better learn anyway this made me stress hahaha yeah im not joking really but u can i assure i will still read this and more power stay safe and update soon we all will wait hahaha okay byeee
let the world know the amazing family he had