Aaakekekkeekkekekee a rival for love. Ilove iiit hahaahhaa hehehhehe SWEEET I CANT WAIIIT FOR MOOOORE BUT WAIT WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR CAPTAIN? But realy i cant belive they maybe an enemy sigh.....cant belive it but anyway haahhaa sir new guy hahahaha take care of our baby roel for now but not long hahaha cause i know she is already have feelings for our captain but still is good to give you a little good memories to be with our baby roel so hahahaha take care PLEEEASE UPDATE SOOON!!!

Ummm can someone explain to me what is going on? Why i mean huh? Avery? I mean REALLY I LOVE THIS BUT okay i get it now so okay because her name as elijiah is being introduce to the queen and the queen might find her and so but wait im a bit confused who is that guy? Why his saying he need to protect our FL? Im a bit confused but anyway i love this please update sooon we waiiit hehehe

I think it’s because the uploader/translator changed, so they used Avery instead of Elijah. The guy who said he’d protect her is Alberts father, I think he made a promise with Elijahs mother before she died.
Dont worrt about pthers negative comments just go on author nim just go on update mooore hehehehe were here waiting patiently will waiiit hehehe