Latte May 15, 2020 11:27 am

Ohhh meh geeed thank youuuu you know im an author too and i also have a story to finish but is hard to focus when im at home i prefer to made my story at the office but ya know ECQ is real AND COVID19 is legit so damn fuck im really piss right now the deadline is almost up fuck hahahahaha anyway i say bad words when im piss really piss off and im being relax because of you guys updaaaate thank youuuuu ajejjee anyway those boys is annoying i want to cut their heads off hahahaha just kidding anyway see yaaa update sookn guyses so good hahaha

Latte May 14, 2020 11:55 am

Ahahahaha i can relate thats me when we have a formal family reunion in to our formal aunt house. Id be like 1 step 2 step hahaha be a girl just for one night be a girl *internal cry and humiliation* i hate wearing heals and dress that shows your skin so much I HATE IT!!!Anyway i love her gurl i love you thank you for this please continue translating

    Crystaltwirl21 May 18, 2020 4:18 am

    I would rather wear pj's as my casual clothes and heels never heard of it

    Latte May 18, 2020 10:37 am
    I would rather wear pj's as my casual clothes and heels never heard of it Crystaltwirl21


    Crystaltwirl21 May 19, 2020 1:33 am

    In the olden days high heels, leggings, belt are made for men to attract the opposite sex just like a peacock trying win a peahen's heart since their mostly used for riding horses to make them look cooler so why did guys change so much I wonder and what lead to us girls wearing those hellish heels thatt fuc*in hurts like hell

    Latte May 19, 2020 2:22 am
    In the olden days high heels, leggings, belt are made for men to attract the opposite sex just like a peacock trying win a peahen's heart since their mostly used for riding horses to make them look cooler so wh... Crystaltwirl21

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA just like what i thought toolike WHY? anyway we can wear anything we want where we like it. So back off those who control and made me do things i dont like even though i love them but they still piss me offHAHAHAHA

Latte May 14, 2020 11:37 am


Latte May 13, 2020 1:32 pm

Yeeet im finish ill be back next next week hahaha im taking a break cause im an author too so busy day is coming for me hahahaha is kinda tiring when your day is always been planned but is also fun and amazing hahaha so please keep on translating we will waaait see yaaa

Latte May 13, 2020 12:38 pm

Please keep on translating we will waiiit thank youuuu

Latte May 13, 2020 6:35 am

Does she want to go back? Hhahaha i mean some people misunderstood it hahahahaha she need to come back hahahahha or war will happened but she also need to stay because she become a princess ahhaha ohh well i will waiiit hehehe i love thiis update sooon pleeease thank youuu

    MaK May 14, 2020 7:21 pm

    I agree!!!
    Btw I loooooove your profile pic! XD

    Latte May 15, 2020 7:40 am
    I agree!!!Btw I loooooove your profile pic! XD MaK

    Hahahaha thank you i love her so much so i profile her hahaha

Latte May 13, 2020 5:08 am

Oh no no no ya didnt gurl let go of our baby angel YOU USELESS KNIGHT!!! QUICKLY DO SOMETHING!!! HELP OUR BABYYYY. Anyway thank youuuu please update moore hehehe we will wait ajjejee i cant wait to grow our baby into a strong brave and wonderful woman so pretty our baby angel

Latte May 13, 2020 3:51 am

Hahahaha just say it dont be shy shy shy you love her already JUST GO WITH IT!!!

Latte May 13, 2020 3:43 am

KYAH!!! my baby sister is huuuurt so huuurt her heart is cracking i can hear it my baby sisteeer YOU MENNIE!!! You could have just tell her! Tell her the truth! And the reasons of your behavior and let this issue be fix by you two! YOUR SO UNWISE MY PRINCE YOUR SO UNWIIISE!!! your hurting my little sister heeere i cant stand it huhuhuhu your mennieee. Author nim thank youuu for updatiiiing we love thiiis please keep updatiing

Latte May 13, 2020 3:26 am

AH!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHUHUHUHUHUHU WHYYYYYY SI Cliff hanger!!!! IS SO FLUFFFY!!!! CUUUTE!!! Please we wait please update sooon thank you for giving us patients

    Kara May 13, 2020 6:28 am

    My thoughts exactly

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