I cant wait for mooore hahaahah she is so strooong and clever i love heeeer please update sooon we will waaait
Season 2!!! I will waiiit and i hope they can have more babies next season ahhwhehew i would love to see it aweee such a perfect couple and family
I thought she died hahaha but i guess the one who died is her maidi cant wait for more lease update soon
Aweee can i be your all mom? Your all so preciously cute i love ya all thank you for thiiis
Ohh is done already? I didnt check the chapters and just read fudge I will waiiit hahaha i dont care about anybody else just keep on doing a good work guyses and update ajejejej i love it thank youuu
Ohh is done already? I didnt check the chapters and just read fudge I will waiiit hahaha
Sigh!!! Im irritated i dont know why the fact that the second prince is sigh never miiind
Hahahaha i will waiit for the updaaate
I cant wait for mooore hahaahah she is so strooong and clever i love heeeer please update sooon we will waaait