Oh yes! The lion has been freed by his cage I am so happy right now T_T I'm sniff sniff I'm not crying huhuhu oh gosh! Character development my lord you are so kind we love you oh my gosh this is terrific I love it T_T but ya know warm embrace an dhug is also enough to show their love hahaha I am kinda sore seeing them always doing it ya know ahhaha does anyone also feel thesame thing? Cause hahaha I do wish they had a break from doing it hahahaha but yah is fine ahhhhaha I love it still ahahaaha thank you uploader an dtranslater and cleaners and to all your team thank you we will wait pls update soon ^_^ <3

AHHH!!! finally a favorite chapter has arrived T_T my eyes so many star tears this chap is so perfect so wonderful T_T I love it so much T_T thank you uploader and author we can't thank you enough this chapter is so pure and fluff I love it T_T I love it so much T_T I am so happy pls update soon author and uploader take care <3
But the problem here now is how to avail VIP thing? I don't have Chinese number ahhahahaha T_T demmet huhuhuhuhu