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renren December 26, 2024 3:42 am

Could anyone pls recommend me some other work that is about hunters and that doesn't have a lot of smut (at least until now there hasn't been)

    VSS December 26, 2024 7:28 am

    Death Delayed for a Short Time is the only one that I can think of that’s similar to this. It’s practically the same situation with similar MCs.

    Similarities: MCs are both S-rankers who participated in a large scale “big bad catastrophic gate” operation and end up being the only survivors (kinda), once they exit the dungeon they both wanna lay low due to their fallen comrades telling them to take care of themselves (and obviously the best way to do that is to not be a hunter anymore and not attract attention), the ML is the “current strongest hunter” who is suspicious about the MC, and the MCs in both have somewhat similar personalities.

    Differences: But the MC in the other series doesn’t just jump into the future like the MC does in this series after beating the “possibly world ending gate”. After surviving, he goes 10 years into hiding basically as a normal person, so he’s lived through a few years in Korea before the story starts, while the MC here jumped 8 years into the future. They also dive MUCH deeper into mental illness and portray it realistically. It is less light hearted but that doesn’t mean there aren’t funny moments

    Anyways it’s very well written, take a gander at it if you haven’t yet

renren December 3, 2024 5:22 am

i miss this manga, i wish sm there were more chapters :(

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