wispa's experience ( All 0 )

wispa's answer ( All 2 )

AGE: 35 GENDER/SEX: Female SEXUALITY: Heterosexual COUNTRY: UK but live in Bulgaria FIRST YAOI: Gosan no Heart FAV YAOI GENRE: I haven’t got one really if i had to choose possessive lover/re-encounter. I do enjoy darker ones too but i also like fluff ones, which ever mood im in. FAV YAOI: Ive not got a favourite because i like different ones for......   reply
13 07,2018
33, female, English, living in Bulgaria. I first got into anime after i split from my husband 2 years ago, it was good escapism. I then found out about manga. I cant remember how i came to Shounen Ai /Yaoi but i am now addicted! :)   reply
05 11,2016

wispa's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did embarrass yourself

Nah cus babe I SURVIVED after having written everything down and saying goodbye like come on i didnt combine over x cut iykyk for nootthingg

2 hours
want to do dying

in a few years I'll probably ctb

3 hours
did dying

i realised the argument just took 2 hours of my life... let me go outside...

10 hours