I am confused. There is a demon ghost and the elevator ghost. The elevator ghost pushed the mc to expose him filming the demon ghost who looks like the manager. I remember before the series went on break that the elevator ghost visited the mc’s room too, or that’s what it looked like to me, but we only seem to be seeing the demon manger ghost now so maybe I misunderstood. I understand that somehow the manager and the demon manager are connected in some way but maybe the manager is not aware to that extent as he called it a dream. So when the demon is having sex the manager dreams as if he is having sex. I understand that the man that became sick was his partner before. The lady saw that sick guy as a demon so I wonder if he is attached to the elevators ghost. Maybe the demon is like a lust demon or maybe an incubus (and that why he became sick) and the elevator one is an obsession demon. I would say they are all one but I remember when the mc got locked in the office and the demon ghost hid them both from the elevator ghost.