I always do. I just did it last Thursday. My prof was like "surgery in interesting right" and I replied "yes it's very interesting" in an excited voice. It, in fact, is not interesting and I don't feel excited at all. Well imo sometimes it's necessary to fake a reaction to have a comfortable relationship with others in real life situation
"mangago target audience is women"
Naww someone really said that? Let's be real, the target audience is broke ass people who likes to read manga/hwa/hua or people who don't wanna pay to read regardless of gender 1 reply
Idk but google said:
Cats will commonly chew on items to soothe their gums during teething, to exercise their natural instinct to use their back teeth, to alleviate boredom – or just for the pure enjoyment of it.
Anyway look at my baby. She's a mother of 4 as of now
Boobs itself is important for yo future baby BUT BIG BOOBS SURE IS IRRELEVANT. I used to be in a track team but once I hit puberty I stopped running bc of the sheer amount of extra fat that I need to carry and the way they jingle and shake is so annoying and uncomfortable 2 reply
Did anyone heard about Kakao preparing legal action for webtoon pirating website? I read it has "m" website there and my heart stopped for a sec. Hopefully it's not mangago