i feel more bad for taejoo then him in this situation. Lets not forget their whole relationship is build off the fact that taejoo thinks he raped him while he was drunk and thought that in order to repay him he needed to date him :D I highly doubted taejoo ever truly loved the guy, probably felt comfort in having another person around after yoon disappeared but their relationship was toxic from the start. I get that the red head wants to be loved but its borderline obsessive at this point.

If thats the case i’d kinda sympathize with shitty priest since he seems to have waited a long time for his lover but a) we he try n kill her? b) they are different people with different personalities homeboy. Just cause they souls are the same doesnt mean they’re gonna wanna love you again. Like sorry bruh but
I hope he’s still alive :c yoon deserves at least one person who’ll care for him