Everyone like, “its normal to go crazy for your lover” and its? How toxic does your love have to be in order for you to go so low as to insult and man who has literally just woken up from so long of slumber?? You can call me immature but I don’t think his obsession with his seme should justify how rude he’s been to Yoon. In my opinion HE’S the one being immature. You got a problem? Take it up with YOUR man. Don’t dump your silly assumptions on to yoon.

I kinda want him to tell hyuk. Its not like the doctor isnt gonna reveal anything rn. It doesnt even seem like the doctor knows how he feels about hyuk rn. Its better for hyuk to know what he’s getting himself into.... its not like he can’t confront the doctor after yhe professor tells him too. Like at this point, hyuk deserves some sort of truth :/
It really rubbed me the wrong way when the childhood friend was forgiven so easily tho :/ like ik its up to him if he forgives or not but the guy planted a fucking listening device in his room. Ik for sure i would never trust someone like that again. The apology was like...there? but not really? He never said he was sorry for planting the device in or tricking him into doing sexual stuff when they were young... he just... apologized for liking the uke?? saying all the creepy stuff he did was bcause he liked the uke is kinda...