I would've like it more if I see Pilwon suffer more (like the twins lmao) i don't think Pilwon deserve that "mild" ending like ??? After all the things he'd done, don't give him an effing ending like that KCKFHAIHFAK Though man this is SAD, the whole story and all the characters are suffering. Happy for Jooha and Dooshik to be together til the end.

This is truly a beautiful story. My heart aches for the uke. And I am not a fan of the seme. Tbh he's not emotionally there for uke when the uke needs him the most. He's more into the little bro, (who acted like a spoiled child) where the uke carries ALL of kinds of pain.
I kinda want to punch him in the face for that. I didn't feel any guilt/emotional support from the seme towards the uke. (Tho I know he helped him a lot)
BUT truly, he ghosted him, from where the uke suffers the most, and after that climax. Never he hugged the uke when he needs it the most. Yes the seme made it easier for the uke to solve the problem, but the loneliness the uke feels during the worst time, he never made it better. I hated the seme for that. Should've at least ask for forgiveness at the end. But none. ¯_ಠ_ಠ_/¯
But the story is *chef's kiss* I cried.

Yah It's definitely a good storyyyy! BUUUTTT I don't think that their relationship would last long if they will just bottle things up inside. Booiiii that's not how a relationship works tbh. From beginning until the end, he doesn't say anything to Dayeol. That's not good. Look at how awkward they'd be in silence, since they both know something is up, but the other person doesn't say it. (I don't want an ending like that.) BUT not all endings happen to what the readers want. Still worth reading! AND AT THE END, it definitely is Taeyeon, an indecisive one's thoughts and actions. He builds himself up slowly so maybe that's why we got an ending like that. So good good and realistic ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

AAAAHHHHHH I FEEL SAD FOR KIRINO. I FEEL SAD THAT HE HAS TO ADAPT TO THE 'NORM' AND OF HIS MOM'S HAPPINESS. I get it that he wants his mom to be happy. I get his reason. But how about his own happiness, it's clear that he is... ahh it's too sad. I kept thinking about how sad it is as this is the reality of some of us. That's how this manga has affected me. ╥﹏╥
Yooo this shouldn't be completeddd