Otherworldly Sword King's Survival Records
Warning, I'm about to rant like crazy.
At first I really liked the atisse shounen ai vibe, but frankly he and the other side characters in the arc are really annoying me, atisse particularly. I mean, he's stupidly nice to the point where I don't understand how he was able to survive until now. When he refused the mc who wanted to accompany him as a spy, he didn't even try to negotiate. Mc didn't tell him not to go, but that he needed back up. Atisse was all honor is important, but in the end did he need back up? He fking got caught almost immediately and needed mc to save his ass like a white lotus. What annoyed me the most was that when atisse refused mc's help, he was like I am the master and you're just the bodyguard. Like fkkk you think you're actually the master here? And then when atisse is gone we basically realise that because of atisse's contrived setup, mc can't do quests, can't even open a stupid fridge. Granted, that's not atisse's fault, but he realises that he can't do shit without the dragon, which I don't really like.
I'm mostly here now for the hilarious shit the mc does.
Pandora's heart