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Favorites of all time (26) 2022-07-03 0
Literally just for nostalgia(15) 2021-12-29 0
Smut that is *chef’s kiss* [f/m](116) 2023-07-27 33
Wholesome. (22) 2021-06-21 0

BiBi's topics ( All 45 )

BiBi September 2, 2023 7:39 pm

Where can I read the latest update with eng translations, this hasn’t been updated in a while.. T_T

BiBi July 21, 2021 4:45 am

Another chapter I skipped … I rly don’t care about this couple sorry ( ̄へ ̄)

BiBi's questions ( All 2 )

BiBi June 13, 2021 5:54 am

Anyone have a recommendation for stories similar to doppio senso or lost things? Basically just looking for stories that have drama. Kinda like a soap-opera, also more on the mature/darker tones. Those stories have smut but i’m open to anything

    Fluffshi June 13, 2021 6:03 am

    I haven't read the stories you talked about yet, but based on the description I think this ones pretty good! It starts off pretty lighthearted and funny but over time it reveals a fair amount of darker tones in the story. Hope this helps!

BiBi April 7, 2021 7:24 pm

idk if this is the right place to do it but i want to try becoming part of a translation team :0 i have no experience in anything tbh but if theres any job i can do lmkkkkkk i'm interested!!

BiBi's favorite ( All 3 )

find your birthday twin 12-29 08:42
rage zone 11-22 12:43
What would you tell your younger self? 10-21 12:31

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