I can see them together taking a photo and Tl Cha is holding their baby. They be lookin so CUTE

Are they making a baby?
I think at later stages they'll find out that he's what 2 months pregnant? Probs. We'll prob see signs but it'll be like a drop of a coin

Thanks for the chapter Get well soon

♡Anonymous♡ created a topic of Did It Work

Thank you for the chapter! And yes the translation is actually great. Please do continue the translation

♡Anonymous♡ created a topic of summer season

It has nice art but I can't feel the storyline. Like it's mostly just cursing and being angsty teenagers and I don't really feel the warmth from the couple. Yeah the art may seem like they are being romantic but it seems like they only want to convey the love through art and not through storyline. Even the latest love scene, it's as if they're enemies being forced(?) to fuck eachother and then appear all lovey-dovey the next second. I know I curse a lot but do you have to curse in every single dialogue you say? Reading it kind of feels unpleasant. I know it's part of the character but isn't it a bit too exaggerated? And there where parts where it was confusing rushed or didn't make that much sense or didn't feel necessary to the overall story. Overall it's like the art is the filter that covers the not-that-good storyline but hey at least it ain't a toxic one i guess.

C. Both A and B

♡Anonymous♡ created a topic of Placebo Memories

It's a nice cosplay. Reliving the time wasted from misunderstanding but I'much more looking forward to the REAL (bunny)business (⌐■-■) ( ° ʖ °)>⌐■-■

♡Anonymous♡ created a topic of Honey Bear

Go ahead and Mon Ours that blondies ass so he could leave my babies alone!

OH NO MY BABIES!(/TДT)/ Don't cry baby, everything will be alright. Let out your feelings, I'm sure Kamiya wil comfort you and while he comforts you, you'll be able to comfort him by showing your love to him. It's not shabby love babe and don't think that him being with a woman to him a baby will be what' going to save him. Nah uh baby, It's YOU that Kamiya wants. Now go ahead and hug eachother(ʃƪ^3^) loves and kisses~

I feel like I'm gonna fucking die there's no way it's actually already completed BRO PLEASE THATS NOT THE LAST CHAPTER RIGHT?!

Hahahaha so cute they are finally together after so long, now patiently waiting for the possible wedding(◍•ᴗ•◍)

♡Anonymous♡ created a topic of Ilwon Dog



Man here really lacks neurons in the field of romance.

Sorry don't know what a dick irl looks like so I'm not disappointed and dang the redrawer is great being able to draw those from a lightsaber, nice

Some peps in the comments section be getting impatient and saying Sanho needs to find a better one, Like bitches, calm tf down, Tak is now in his mfking character development arc finally acknowledging his feelings for Sanho, but ayo, can't deny that Sanho also needs to apologize for his hurtful words that day. Now we wait to see Tak confess and HOPEFULLY Sanho answers with A FUCKING BRAIN FILLED WITH CELLS FINALLY KNOWING WHAT HE WANTS HIS RELATIONSHIP TO BE WITH TAK, Man don't fuckin make an excuse that you can't see yourself being with him just cause imagining him say puppy names cringes you. You have some finding out to do yourself too Sanho.

♡Anonymous♡ created a topic of Waterside Night

Emera, fellow fujoshi/fudanshi thank you for sharing this blessing to us

These dudes need to have a proper conversation, where in they talk our their feelings to each other, communicate openly, what they've been feeling, fix the the fudging complicated situation. Sanho, are you sure you don't have feelings for Tak? Think about it more please, imagine going throughout your life without him, what if he gets a wife and starts a family? Would you want that to be your wake-up call? So same goes to you Tak, and if you get hurt from Sanho's words express your feelings, it might be hard but if you just keep it to yourself, you'll end up hurting yourself more and your relationship with Sanho. And being a couple isn't ALL about the pet names and if you trully love someone don't expect the expect the excited feelings like spark or things that when you feel the excitement gone you no longer love that person, that was never love to begin with, it was only a like or admiration. And don't you guys know about the "Try out phase"? If you truly love them, you'll be able to feel the feeling of love from the moment you see them or just being with them not from hearing them say pet names just for you to feel loved.

I've become a love consultant because of this couple.

♡Anonymous♡ created a topic of Did It Work

Hello, this gangster boss is my lover. Hello I'm this pervert's lover, your son-in-law.