Man, this is really fucked up. I paid for these chapters. They're not translated, they're just stolen. This person isn't a professional mangaka, they're an independent artist and they deserve to have their rights respected. Disgusting. Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves.

Finally someone with brains.

Nice to finally see someone that understands.

Good for you, then again I am pretty sure that 98% of those who read it here won't pay for the episodes...

Ngl same as person above, I've never even heard of the website Lezhin Comics till I saw this on mangago; after reading your post I felt really bad and purchased all of the chapters - it wasn't even that expensive - no more than buying one or two volumes of manga - I'd definitely recommend other people to do it as well (●'◡'●)ノ and I'll continue to read from that website as opposed to mangago from now on

Mhm that is not gonna happen since it seems all of the chapters have been uploaded here...for real I want his fucking site taken down now...

Is there anyway to contact the owner of this page? Maybe they could delete this.

Fan translation and releasing the official English translation which you have to pay for, are two different things. Most likely there would be no problem if it was a fan translation but it is not.

Fan translation for licensed manga are not okay too you know. But i'm not going to discuss about shit like that on an illegal site where everyone is reading licensed manga for free. haha

Haha agree, but watch out now they will write they dont even read manga on this site.
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 which is of course a lie.

Says the person that has read illegally translated manga on this site as well. You have even read Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai and Tokyo Ghoul which are officially translated in English and has even been published in a print format. Stop acting like you actually care about the mangaka's or artist's rights. You are only upset that you actually paid for these chapters for once but now someone else has posted them for free. Otherwise you wouldn't even care. You are the one who is disgusting, acting all self-righteous when you're the same as those whom you are judging.

Lol no lying I read manga and manwha on this site but I also purchase them when they become available in a language I understand. I just think it is nice to have a physical copy of manga you like in your shelf.

I started reading blood bank before it was here because there was a English translation for the comic and will continue to buy the episodes even if they are uploaded on this site. Yeah I read manga and manwha on this site but I also buy the official release when it is available in a language I understand.

and what if they are not available to buy in a language you understand? do you feel guilty for reading it here, i bet not. i mean even the not licensed manga are stolen, so actually sites like this shouldnt exist, but thats the internet, if this site would get shut down, 10 new sites will open.

WHEN and IF they become available and I never said I did not feel guilty about anything.

Did feel*

But you don't buy the source material to those that are not available in your language. In that case you're still supporting illegal scanlations, you're still supporting stolen work.
I also support the creators of content that I enjoy as much as I can afford to, be it paying for manga, DVD/CDS, streaming services, Patreon or merchandise. Due to monetary constraints, i can't afford to support every single creator i would have liked to. So I still end up reading illegally translated manga, watching anime illegally or even downloading music illegally.
Just because I support the creators doesn't mean I'm exempt from the fact I unfortunately still end up supporting stolen work. You do the same thing, yet are trying to act like it's OK since you support a few works. You're shaming others for the same acts you do.

But what if you read one and then at the end you realize it was total shit, and it gets licensed, you would still buy it just because you've read it for free...........pleaaaaaaaaaseeeeee (≧∀≦)
and now dont tell me you've never continue reading a bad manga until end. XDD

It doesn't matter if you feel "guilty" or not, the fact is that you are still supporting stolen work. The problem people have with you and Misha is that you commit the same acts that you are "disgusted" by and are telling people to be ashamed of. You and Misha are hypocrites and refuse to admit so and are just making excuses to justify yourselves.

wow this is one long argument. Is reading stuff on these sites not the right thing to do...yes..and it does make it a little worst since it was not translated..but sometimes this is the only way you can read manga. I have purchased around 30 manga books but i've read over 300 on these types of sites. Are you telling me I should purchase all the manga I have loved reading? cause that would be in the $$thousands. 300 read lets say 150 ive loved 150 x 10 (give or take) that would be around 1,500...I don't have that (Do You?) If your rich enough to buy most/all the manga you read/like than thats great. But These sites allow us to the view works of art and wonderful stories for free. It's unfortunate that the authors suffer...but alot of people wouldn't be able to pay for many of the books they have read. And if these sites didn't exist I would have missed out on sooo many good stories.
This is just the same as pirated music and all the tv and movie watching sites. They exist and they always will, talking about it on here will not make a difference.. If you feel that bad buy a copy...If you don't feel bad or just don't have the money than enjoy this site. it's up to the individual.

Um, I own all the English volumes of Tokyo Ghoul. I'm a professional writer, so plagiarism is an extremely important issue to me. I would never read a manga and not buy it if it's available to me. The only manga that I read on here and don't buy are ones that aren't available in a language I understand, so please stop acting like you know me and my values and kindly fuck off.

You know you can still read it on here and then buy a physical copy when it's available in English. Blood Bank is a webcomic that's already in English. There are no physical copies and there's no reason to be reading it on this website when it's available for purchase on another website. They're not the same thing in the least.

Good to hear, I was going to do that myself but could not figure how to.

A bit too melodramatic for my taste.

I understood it, but I think the confusion comes in if you've never been around professional dancers. Their world thrives on manufactured drama. It's like high-school times 20 because everything is about ego and getting recognition/praise. I believe that's why, as the original commentor pointed out, this story has too much melodrama and not enough substance for the majority of readers.
Put another way, it's much ado about nothing.

I love how, even though this is technically a prequel, it works so beautifully as a standalone as well. It's so subtle, but so powerful. We see Yashiro as someone how's been hurt and used over and over again, someone who has never really had a meaningful connection with another person. He doesn't know how to be honest with himself or anyone else, so he just ends up pushing everyone away. He already knows that he's a sad, pathetic, and lonely person, but hearing it from the only person he has ever felt any affection for finally causes him to break down. He knows he desperately wants to have that kind of deeper connection with someone, but he just plain doesn't know where to even begin. It's just such a beautiful and moving story. One of the best manga I've ever read.

Wow, I was really not expecting for that to be such a wild ride. I don't think I've ever cried from reading a stupid yaoi manga, but damn, that was some REAL SHIT. The characters are so flawed and crazy that it just makes their trainwreck of a relationship so entertaining to watch.
I think I probably would've liked it better if they hadn't ended up together, to be honest. I don't think they're all that good for each other, and I think that Imagase has some serious trust and insecurity issues that he needs to work out before he can ever be in a healthy relationship.

Sooooo goooood!! Yeah, the characters were assholes, but for some reason it was just so fun to watch their relationship unfold. And I'm always happy to read a manga that actually addresses the issue of what it means to be in love with someone of the same gender, rather than just ignoring the fact that gay people are often treated like trash by society.
This is actually the cutest and sweetest thing I've ever read. Beautiful art, funny characters, really low key and tender moments that you don't really see a lot of in BL. Absolutely stunning.