If anyone needs to heal their soul from this, there’s a fan-made sequel where Zhizhu and the doctor get their happy ending in the next life :,(
Kana confuses the eff out of me. I feel like he’s gaslighting me. This needed a long grovel arc instead of Naho caving immediately like a doormat. What the hell kind of comment is “objectively you’re average but you’re cute to me”? That’s basically calling him ugly, and he said it to his friends… How can you say that about someone you like… he didn’t even apologize.
spoilers in this link(paste it into google translate):
https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=colorazi&logNo=223390987834&proxyReferer= https:%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&trackingCode=external
Can someone tell me if ML actually sent the rope or was it a misunderstanding? Does ML know the truth? Kind of hate that the details of the past are so vague bc ngl if he sent the rope that’s kind of an unforgivable offense and I’m pretty sure that is the act that finally broke Solan
Ok that makes sense to be honest I didn’t know it was a scarf so the design really confused me. I just know contextually that in Chinese dramas if the concubine is given “a yard of white silk” by the Emperor it means he wants her to commit suicide. Idk if it is the same in Korea but maybe that’s why Solan misunderstood?
bruh it’s been 62 chapters and he still doesn’t understand he brought this upon himself how dense can you get