This is giving me anxiety. I've never liked Director Park, always knew he was lowkey Crazy the red flags are so obvious. I like twisted stories but it botters me when the seme is manipulative, stalker and starts to want lock the uke and keep him "safe" from the world.
SUHA RUN AWAY WITH YOON (not necessarily as a couple)

People sending death threats over uplouder is absurd and ridiculous. They're are doing their best, spending money and receiving nothing in return, for us broken b*tches. If their work don't fit your tastes go read somewhere else, or at least make a criticism in a way that the person can understand your point and improve, sending threats is not the way.
Be kind you all, we're dealing with other people and don't know how our actions will affect others, small words can cause big impact in others lives and Mark them FOREVER.
For the uplouder don't mind the childish threats and prioritize your mental health, stay safe, healthy and hydrated. We love you and you're doing a wonderful work
Thanks for the update Mei and Caly. Caly your memes always make my day <3, we will be patient and wait for you