Yes, Haesoo, you did finally make the right choice, and it shows in your healthy glow and easy smile! Everything is as it should be- the love, intimacy, comfort and security that you have for each other - you can face and overcome any problems or issues that arise together now, and in the future. I know you will work hard, and you will do well! Flourish and be happy, Joowon and Haesoo!

I really hope this story continues, it’s quite the page turner!
I love how hierarchy in the demon world is based on intellect and machinations rather than physical violence. Their thoughts and actions are surprisingly unpredictable, especially for the up-and-coming Makato. His human death and soul acquisition by the mysterious demon “J” is one hell of a scene to begin the story! The evolving power struggle and sexual tension between the two, as J apprentices Makato into the demon world, is really fascinating, revealing little bits and pieces about each of their histories. Makato and his father’s last face-off is another absolutely brilliant scene. And the art is stunningly beautiful, each demon design is meticulously conceived and executed as unique individuals- alternately grotesque, creepy, cute, alluring, sinister and sexy. Yes there is gore and violence, but it’s often so chaotic, particularly with the elaborate demon designs, that it’s often more suggestive or abstract than gross or realistic.

What a beautifully crafted scene with post-coital Joohae in the bath....everything is at it should be, the physical and emotional intimacy, comfort, playfulness and ardent love are conveyed so well! They are so joyful and relaxed, in the knowledge that they are there for each other now, and forever. Even without a full translation of the text, the facial expressions and body language really capture the mood and feelings perfectly when Joowon finally slips that elegant ring on Haesoo’s delicate finger! “Never take it off,” that is just so romantic....
Which brings me to speculate about the ending! I noticed that Haesoo isn’t wearing the ring when he is caressing and holding a sleeping Joowon, softly whispering his name. I assume this scene is after the shower, because he’s clearly wearing one of Joowon’s huge t-shirts. It could be an oversight in the illustration, but that seems unlikely considering how much thought and care went into conceiving these panels. So, I wonder if he’s going to wear the ring in his ear, because the ring doesn’t necessarily look like it closes all the way around. And, maybe this is because he has matching rings to bestow upon Joowon in a later chapter? Referring to the special gift from Spain that we haven’t seen yet and we know is not a bottle of olive oil.
Haesoo’s important visit to his mother: I’m really glad that he finally has that validation and support from her, that his feelings and happiness matter. It’s a step toward reconciliation that he deserves, even if she doesn’t (ok I still don’t like her). I noticed that she has Haesoo’s bestselling book of his “very ordinary love story” so hopefully she finally understands the depth of Joohae’s bond and feelings for each other. She needs to make amends with Joowon, too, after treating him like a monster to be scorned and reviled when he was just a young guy in love.

Joohae Valentine’s Day (the missing link for no chapter this week?)
Romantic Joohae downhill skiing weekend at posh resort with breathtaking views in the mountains. Joowon would normally snowboard, but he’s using skis to be with Haesoo, who’s not quite as adept. Playful push and pull with them trying to go down easy slope together, Joowon offering helpful suggestions and Haesoo getting annoyed. Clumsy handholding and cheekiness on the lifts, Haesoo watching Joowon’s strong but graceful skiing prowess down one of the advanced slopes. Warming up with wine and hors d’oeuvres by cosy fireplace in their private suite, followed by blistering hot long kissing/ make out scene, sex on the fleecy sofa. Sunrise bringing wishes and excitement for their future, rings and or other fancy special jewelry for their eternal union.

As much as I want to see Haesoo’s present for Joowon, and of course the long-anticipated reappearance of the ring, I really hope the story doesn’t just end there.
I want to see so much more of them during the 3-year time skip, “the frightfully busy days, dreadful longing and steadfast love”. Haesoo’s life and work in Spain, juxtaposed with Joowon’s time in Korea to catch up on hobbies, learn a new language for acting career.
It’d be so great to explore the “ordinary love story” side to their relationship that we haven’t seen before through Haesoo’s book as he’s drafting it. He’d be sipping espresso (I just know he’d get hooked) at some charming cafe, making a few new friends, blushing to refer to his book alluding to Joowon, finding new inspiration from new sights and sounds.
Phone sex? Yeah, love it please give it to me!
Joowon said he wasn’t doing much during the hiatus, just enjoying a break during that interview. With his healthy build and sun- kissed skin, I pictured him learning how to surf, getting really good at it cause he’s so strong and good at sports. Maybe some tennis or joined a basketball team with a new celebrity circle like the padding squad(?) stuff. I also want to see some filming in Helsinki!
Also, Joohae’s week in Spain, the date night(s) at the octopuse restaurant, strolling around taking in the sights in the evening, holding hands.
Did I mention joohae phone sex, come on it’s only logical!

There’s so much potential, it’d be a gold mine for side stories even if she doesn’t make it part of the main story!
I’m also really curious about how (or if?) she will handle same-sex dating in homophobic Korea, especially since Joowon is a major celebrity. Will they be in the closet? Seems like Haesoo was already outed, or presumed to be gay with all of the rumors and speculation with T and his notorious flings with his models. Authors really skirt around this subject, especially as it relates to characters with a high profile.

This would be a wonderful side story, especially the week in Spain. There is so much material for the author to keep going. I think they will stay in the closet, it would be too difficult to be open about their relationship because of their high profile. I was even thinking about the possibility of a collaboration with Taku in a shoot to promote their later work, maybe it's too soon jejejeje but I hope they can all be at peace and happy.

I want the first time they were apart and then when they reunited though! I want to see a glimpse of all of that before this ends. These little flashes were not enough.
Yes, their time in Spain as well would be nice, but I'm so curious about the other part because how did they go from platonic to being like they were again. How did they find each other? I keep writing FF secretly because it's driving me insane about that time period. lol

something i really really want to see: flashback of when joowon hit his career low and felt like giving it all up, but haesoo was there for him and helped him through it. we got like 2 panels of this... but that's simply not enough T A T
also!! in joowon's scene when he's photographed by taku and is told to "feel loss", there's this single panel of him back hugging haesoo, and theyre wearing the SAME OUTFITS as the one regarding his career low moment. i seriously want to get the full story on this huhuhu-- especially because we never presently see haesoo supporting or caring for joowon emotionally in the story?? especially after the breakup, jw is shown to consistently protect haesoo and show him a lot of care... but it's lost in the writing with haesoo doing the same thing, at least until around the end. it makes their r/s look more one sided than it actually is according to this story.

Yes, it would mean a lot to get this perspective of their relationship! I feel like we got just little bits and inferences of all the times Haesoo was there and taking care of Joowon. I especially wanted to see the events surrounding Joowon’s descent and Haesoo pulling him back together. Like when Haesoo was entranced by Joowon’s billboard, remarking that he hadn’t seen J wear that (vulnerable, wistful) expression in a long time. I think author really wanted to emphasize how Haesoo was struggling, and feeling resentful in the beginning of the story. In her way of peeling back the layers and showing alternating perspectives and revelations (of which still make sense), I hope we get this side shown to us. Maybe via Haesoo’s bestselling book or Joowon playing out the adapted screenplay, of their “simple love story”. I love seeing them be tender with each other!

I’m so glad to see that Joowon has returned to acting and is truly excited about it. Love, career, purpose and passion, it’s all falling into place!
His new driver is so cute, he must be Joowon’s biggest fan knowing every little detail about his career and even the coffee he takes. “It’s as if the drama was written for you,” pretty intuitive there, haha.
Can’t wait for lots and lots of Joohae, they look so happy and healthy together!

Romantic getaway to Paris, the city of love, planned by Joowon with details from Haesoo. Shopping for swank luxury goods along Champ d’Elysee, having fun stretching to see the art through the crowds at the Louvre, holding hands and exchanging kisses at jardin du Luxembourg, taking in the opera, giggling over wine and food at Michelin star restaurant, and spending a good part of their time in their suite at the most expensive upscale hotel with premium views of Eiffel Tower, making sweet, passionate love!
Cole and Alex, perfect boyfriends are back!
Haha, maybe there will be a second Alex Jr. in the future! Assuming the first one is still around.
Three whole years together for my lovely couple, my, how time flies for this match made in heaven. I get the feeling that Alex wants to try bottoming, that would be very interesting.
Thanks, uploader!