Amano Hinata, a high school boy, lives a quiet life in the country. One day, a light-haired transfer...
- Author: Iwaki Soyogo
- Genres: Comedy / School Life / Shoujo / Shounen / Slice of Life
Set in Tokyo it's described as a space action series between humans & extraterrestrials....
- Author: Naoe
- Genres: Action / Aliens / Police / School life / Sci fi
- Author: Iminu
- Genres: Webtoons / Shounen ai / Drama / Fantasy / Romance Webtoons Webtoons Drama Fantasy Romance
idgaf his boss is his REAL dad that's my goat right there
okay but the idea of being the first alpha/omega in omegaverse is actually so terrifying... am I weird for thinking this would be a great horror concept
this couple def has their issues, but omg nico is too cute
ilya reminds me of nagi from blue lock sm!! I think I have a new favorite type of character...
Kanda, a salaryman whose miserable life seems to revolve around working overtime, comes across a mur...
- Author: Namagomi
- Genres: Yaoi / Comedy / Horror / Romance Comedy Horror Romance
This unusual duo brings the hidden truth into the light! Ron Kamonohashi, a private investigator wit...
- Author: Akira Amano
- Genres: Mystery / Shounen / Slice of Life
In which the (satanic) boss you often dis about to your Online-BFF is actually your Online-BFF. (??`...
- Author: Nmura
- Genres: Shounen ai / Comedy / Drama / Romance
Momose Tenka is a first year high school student who can sing, dance, and has a killer body. She...
- Author: Tayama Midori
- Genres: Romance