Teeth's feed

izek is pretty much the only one with a little bit of common sense here and actually learns from his mistakes of assuming shit and not talking it out.

i can't believe they're still letting that "friend" of theirs hang around them to comment on and witness any plot-relevant stuff after previous events. why would you trust her to even enter your house??!?!? it's just the fucking nanny head maid incident all over again. izek is the only one responding to her with the appropriate vitriol, distance, and distrust she deserves.

& why the fuck, after witnessing that, would any normal person with a braincell let her walk away and start plotting to keep it quiet, as if assuming FL already did something that HAD to be kept quiet for? infuriates me how they keep taking FL for granted and end up harming her when so many incidents have gone by to prove that she deserves to be understood and supported bc she's killing herself to please these people