Teeth's feed

Teeth created a topic of Meteor Orbit

bro this chapter hit hard
once you know the inescapable shackle of a contract, debt that's way past anything you make, and the desperation that comes from it... god, it's honestly insane how he's still able to pretend to be chill about it in front of the others. and he's literally just a teen at this point. there's just something so raw and moving about a normally arrogant Top archetype outright saying, "I'm scared."

i'm willing to bet past taewon couldn't get out of this deal even when he became successful because mcFuckin Kim still had his sexuality to blackmail Taewon with and Taewon knew how that would implicate Yusung as the "famous gay idol's secret lover" so he tried to create a scandal to tank his career and escape from his contract. But then in the end Kim still stabbed him in the back and laid the blame on Yusung