we got the resignation and the author made such a big show of promising some rolling next season... and then we get... this Dan.
like. is the breaking point when his gramma dies? because right now if jaekyung popped up into his life he's STILL gonna be a doormat for him. or, as of the current chapter, is it when these guys tell him it wasn't actually his fault and jaekyung was being a spiteful lil bitch? will that get him out of his 'woe is me everything is my fault with jaekyung' mindset?
i want him to unapologetically start resenting jaekyung BEFORE jaekyung arrives to find him because rn ya boi is gonna soften like jello the minute jaekyung starts pursuing him again and that's gonna be so unsatisfying in terms of groveling arcs.
i pray if grandma ever meets jaekyung she hates him on sight. none of that, 'please take care of my Dan' bs that old ladies in BL often do without knowing the full emotional and physical torment they put the MC through. or that one where they go all-knowing and she pushes him to go to Seoul with jaekyung instead of staying with her because that's 'what he truly wants' or some crap.
idk. i'm just listing out all the usual tropes that would make my blood boil if it ever happens in canon because jaekyung deserves to be rejected for an entire season with a fully onboard angry Dan ffs. give us that at least!!!