2023-09-17 20:55 marked

2023-08-07 20:04 marked
2021-03-18 08:35 marked
2021-03-02 12:32 marked

where was she when he first got to his place. she's so out of the loop, she thinks the only way he be there is if he was kidnapped?
she let the teacher take advantage of his naivete back home and at the lords place.
then she ahows up kicking up a fuss without knowing exactly what situation he's in fisrt? thats the kind of ish that gets people killed. IF he was really kidnapped, the lord would have easily hidden him, and moved and disposed of him after kicking her out, and that would have been that. I am unimpressed by this noona. everyone knows when dealing with arrogant rich people, you first get the tea from the service staff then make moves. ugh. this poor boy is being failed on all sides
2021-01-04 16:31 marked
2020-12-05 19:52 marked