All I see is a male relative on the father's side that is overseeing the estate and acting as a regent until the daughter comes of age. An uncle can look out for you but can't really stop or butt into nuclear family messiness like a dad could. So as far as I'm concerned, this pink haired man is NOT her father.

Oof! After reading up to check 112 I couldn't help thinking the teacher and leonie's mom's knight were a team. My theory was he deceived both women even though I couldn't see a motive. But child trafficking....yikes.

Her dad is a noble that they thought was a knight, the teacher has a one sided love obsession towards her bio dad, that makes her kill leo's mom in exchange of them be together in the future but the dad didn't show up and just went away. The dang connie instigated everyone in the orphanage to abuse leo and make it look like she is leo's savior so when she met leo's dad she can put a good word about her and apparently in og leo died too.
I can't believe after all that, THAT'S what he said to her?! What an u serious uncle.