OMG guys, can you people just stop hating this story. There are so many worse mangas like bj Alex, pearl boy and many many, and I can't stress enough how many more toxic mangas that have nothing but rape and humiliation as there storyline. Why can't people be happy with a good manga when then have one ( not all its parts are good and I agree there is non con someplaces) but it sure as heck beats some of the downright shit and garbage I've read on this site. Guys it's gold compared to those so please just stop hating it just for the sake of it

Other manhwa being worse doesn’t mean that this one is good though? If your opinion is "Guys, I like this manhwa and you're being too hard on it. Go hate on other manhwa", that's a little whack.
You are entitled to say that you personally still enjoy it but if you have to drag up other manhwa to push this one into a better light... Maybe it was never good to begin with

Really do people actually have to hate something? Really? Is hating is all that is left. I have never once mentioned that people should go hate other mangas. Thats what you wrote.
Honestly if you have energy to hate a 2D manga, go hate it as much as you want. But it would be much more helpful to you if you touch grass

Oh god. Maybe you are not hating, but you are trying to correct me for writing something I feel.
I even agreed with a person above you for having their own opinion just as I have my own.
Isn't it ironic that you are now saying that (People *are* allowed to voice their dislike. Just as you are allowed to say you liked the story). But when I did you found it "whack"?

Oh my god, Its not them who are hurting me, I don't know just why you are trying to prove me wrong. I just didn't want people to hate and you got gaslit like crazy. But you know what, I won't engage with you any further because fighting with a fool makes two of them. I was courteous and replied to you twice but I won't anymore. Hope you have a good day, feel free to comment again and again under my reply if you so wish but I won't be responding to you any further because you sir, *are* a futile conversation.
Can anyone tell me at what chapter of the novel the manga currently is? TYIA