sometimes "i love you" can sound like "i will be the one to retrieve your remains." that line knocked the wind out of me. i really liked the way this story questioned what is romantic love—and the tangled threads of affection, shared history, loyalty, and responsibility that constitute it—or seem to. that it's often never as clear cut as we want it to be, and love alone isn't enough to build a life on. there is a wider world out there, something greater than ourselves. there always is. secondary to the love story, this was a lovely homage to the passion and sacrifice of journalists around the world, who do what they do at great personal risk. i thought the author handled all of this with great sensitivity and compassion. there was never a point where i disliked any of the characters, who are all trying their best in their own way to deal with grief and uncertainty. unlike some manhwa where there are reductive roles of damsel and villain, etc., here they are very human.